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  • in reply to: Multiple kids advice #28196

    Sure, I’m interested. Thanks for the help, really. The specialist says that I should be able to do well, it’s just the recovery will be very long. I’m willing to wait, after all, it’s small game compared to the joy of having my girls here. But now I am considering a c-section, after Salem talked to the specialist and asked if there were other professional doctors that could be flown in. There are. One’s a specialist from London, the other is all the way from Hawaii. Given the hospital’s interest in how this goes(after all, I am the youngest one in the area to have this many babies at once), and the fact that Salem’s foster parent’s money that he “liberated” talks loud and clear, I think it might be possible to actually get one. I would much rather have them naturally, but the word complication scares me. I don’t want to end up like Viktoria’s boyfriend’s old flame: bleeding out internally while the doctors are unable to do anything. And if that happened to me, that would destroy Salem. Especially if the tragic second part happened…..but I want to stay positive. The specialist says the girls are very strong(and big, too. I’ve past the point of people guessign one baby. Most correctly guess three.) and will have no problems. Hopefully.

    in reply to: Multiple kids advice #28190

    Thank you. I’m not quite sure about the c-section, I never could stomach the thought of being cut open on a tsble. And, to be brutally honest, our doctors here are horrible. It would be close to a death sentence, for me or the kids or both. Even if they get the specialist, she’s still be hindered by the other doctors, who will most likely be hammered or stoned or both. Tragic, but true. If I have no other choice, I will take it, but as a last resort. That’s why I’m going to be a doctor, so that a routine surgery isn’t a worrying experience. The specialist does say I have the build for natural birth, but after the first two we would have to be careful. She says if the final baby is big, I may rip. Ouch. Which is fixable, but I would only trust the specialist.

    Thanks for the rest, though. I apperciate the advice. It will be a long, tough road, but we’ll do it. Salem doesn’t sleep much anyway: his post-traumatic-stress-disorder has basically made him a chronic insommniac. He sleeps a few hours with me, but normally works late(thank God he works at home). Off the start, when I’m recovering, that will be an immense help, but later on we’ll go up evenly. If we do need some rest badly, Veronica could help, but I’m trying not to rely on her. It wouldn’t be fair to a ten-year-old kid, a fresh amputee at that(then again, that hasn’t even slowed her down).

    Also, I’m going to hit up the library in town and see what they have. Thanks for the idea, I hadn’t thought of that(blonde moment lol). It should have quite a few reference materials. I think I have a membership there, but I haven’t been there in years. Thank you, you’ve really been a great help!!!!

    in reply to: 2 weeks, #28181

    I’m truly sorry. What that one guy said what out of taste. It’s not your fault and it never will be. Yes, he made plans with you, but suicide is normally a spur-of-the-moment decision. You are not alone, I had a friend who did the same thing. Went on life as normal, made plans to hang out, and the next morning they found his body at the bottom of a skyscraper. I don’t want to say I know how you feel, because it’s an overused phrase and most of the time people saying it don’t, but I do know the pain you are going through. Try just to stay strong, I know it’s hard, but it is the best course of action. Motives are very hard to find when the person is gone. Maybe he felt that was his only solution and he felt that lonely, maybe not. Who can tell for sure? I sincerly hope you can carry on, and if you ever need to chat, I’m right here.

    in reply to: …Advice ? :S #28127

    Well. This is an interesting one, a conundrum to be sure. She does already know that raisng a baby is hard work, but does she know that she’ll have the added stress of healing after childbirth, hormones, and post-mortem depression? Unlikely. If she doesn’t care that the father won’t stick around, that is NOT a good thing. To be able to have a child and be able to raise it while maintaining your sanity, you need someone to be there for you. Besides, what’s stopping this guy from going “Wait, I don’t want to be a father.” and saying the baby isn’t his? Nothing. Then she has to deal with the whole she-sleeps-around thing pinned on her. That’s not the worst part of it. That child has to grow up not knowing who his/her father is. I grew up mostly without my mother there, and that was INCERDIBLY hard. Especially if she has a boy, there will be no father figure aroung to help him. I’ve seen this scenario play out a million times before: girl wants baby, thinks she knows what she’s up for, finds out it’s much harder, baby gets adopted out or raised in a terrible position, and by that I mean bouncing beetween relaitves. Try showing her the cost of having a child, I saw it on Dr. Phil once. I think for one baby alone is around $18 000 U.S. And that’s basic necessities. It would help if she had relatives that could foot some, but for the most part it’s her paying. It would be really nice if she could get herself into a relationship with a man that wanted that and was ready to back her, but sometimes that doesn’t happen. If she is absolutely dead set, not-taking-no-for-an-answer wanting a baby, there is not much anyone can do about it. Just tell her what she’s up for, and support her whether she succseeds or fails. One can’t really fail at being a parent, but base it on the problems above. And if she does the best thing and says she will wait, be beside her telling her that she did the right thing. Either way, just be a friend, for it is friends that can be there for us during our brightest days and that can help us during our darkest hours. It takes one good friend to change a life. Be that friend, and it will turn out alright. I hope this helped!!

    in reply to: too soon? #28092

    Well, I can see your exasperation in having kids close together(no breaks for you unfourtunately),but there is no adverse health affects. I have several different relatives who have had kids like that, back to back to back, and they’ve come out of it no worse for wear. If anything, they are glad they had them like that so they didn’t have to deal with more down the road(though, knowing my family, they all will lol). I am having triplets, so I am going to have to do all of the tasks(times 3) at the same time. I wish I had the time between, but then again I don’t. My advice: Whether it be back to back or simeoultaneously, having kids won’t pose a serious danger to your health. Unless there is complications(horrible word), but I won’t get into that. I hope I’ve helped!

    in reply to: advice neededdddd:/ #27763

    I can understand where you are at. I couldn’t even face my father after I found out. My bf had to do it. The best way to tell your mother is just to ease it on slow. “Hey mom, we need to have a little bit of a talk…” instead of just flatout “I’m pregnant.”. All you can do is hope she understands and is compassionate about the critical turning point in your life that you have just entered.

    in reply to: abortion at age 15 #27739

    I’m pregnant and everyone around me is trying to get me to abort. Any ideas on how to tell them I never will?

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