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  • in reply to: Help!! #10543

    HI chick, I agree try not to cut your wrists I know your having a rough time of it but try something else like scribbling on paper when your angry or upset! It worked for me. : ). If I were you I would think about the future, if you dont want to have the baby then you dont have too, your family might be against it but its your future and your life that you have to think about, but i wouldnt suggest an abortion either, I myself have experienced that and it was the worse thing that i have ever done and regret it deeply to this day! You could look into adoption, even an openone where you can keep in touch with the baby if you wanted to, and you get to choose which family will take it. I know that its very confusing and hard, but believe me, your family are your family and im sure they would only want the best and for you to be happy what ever decision you make! x

    in reply to: omg i might be but am i? #10542

    HI, It depends really how late on your period you are? If you more than 2 weeks late then I would do a test just to be sure, otherwise it could be an ovarian cyst, (unusual but not uncommon) Also watch out for signs of feeling sickly, tired and sometimes a bit off! Take care. x

    in reply to: iam 3wks and i have questions #10541

    Hi, you will find as you get further along in your pregnancy that the sickness will wear off normally around 12 weeks, and it will seem alot more comfortable. Its just your body getting used to a tiny person being in there. Eat healthily and when ever you feel hungary, there is another mouth now! Take care. x

    in reply to: Help!!!!! #10540

    HI, If i were you i would go and see your doctor and ask them to do a test for you, sometimes home pregnancy tests can be a little inaccurate. If your boyfriend says that he will be there for you then he must be willing to take on another child, if it does become too stressful for him there are places he can go to get help and support and so can you! x

    in reply to: my babies daddy wants nothing to do with me #10245

    Hi, I would just like to say im sorry about your boyfrined not being there for you, men sometimes have a tendancy to say one thing and do the other, i should know but i wont go into it. there are some decent ones out there. I myself am 20 years old and 3 months pregnant, when i told my mum she hit the roof but im old enough to make my own choices in life so i decided to keep it. Your 21 so thats even older than myself, if the father dosent want to help you then you cant make him, and you getting upset or angry about it isnt really going to change his mind. The baby your carrying dosent even know what is happening yet, and to be honest deserves a chance to live his/her life, at least his/her mother will love him. There are plenty of places and help lines that you can talk too for support or you can talk to me. : ). Adoption is also another option, if you feel you cant raise the baby on your own then you can always go for an open plan adoption where you get to choose the family your baby goes to, they could be a couple who cant conceive for what ever reason this way you stay in touch with the family and your baby, it gives them a chance of a better life just the chance of life alone and it also gives the couple something to love in their life if you feel you cant provide one good enough.
    I hope this helps, take care and i hope things work out.

    k X

    in reply to: i dont know what to do!!!!!!!! please respond #10110


    Im turned 19 in April of this year, and just found out that i was pregnant, My last period was the 24th October and im now 7 weeks. So i have a similar cycle too you! I know what your thinking and feeling as i have been there myself im also young but if you class yourself old enough to have sex then you should be able to accept the consequences that come along with it. Im not having a go just giving you some advice. Obviously smoking and taking drugs are not good for your health pregnant or not, and if you are and you want to keep the baby then yes you do have to stop, it wont be easy, but there are places that you can go to and people that you can talk to that will give you help and support i found that by talking to some of the girls on here its a great help! If you know who the father is, then i think that you should tell him, and you never know he might be willing to help, if not then he does have to give you some sort of child support so your not completely struggling. I would do a test see what the results are and then go make an appoinement with your Doctor and have a chat and let them explain what your options are to you, thats what i did and things became alot more clearer. I decided to keep my baby im engaged to the father now. Im still only 19 and know that my life will change, but i know that one day i will see that it was for the best! If you need to ask me any more questions then feel free. Hope things work out for you! x

    Post edited by: Julie, at: 2006/01/01 23:03

    in reply to: what now? #9927


    I know that your feeling rather confused right now, but you are not alone. The best thing to do is go to see your doctor and get things finalised, sometimes periods can be all over the place for no apparent reason. If you find out that you are then great (i think) you have to decide if its really what you want and make sure your happy with the situation, before you do anything that you might regret in the future! Hope it all works out, take care. xxx

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