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ParticipantThat little bit of blood you had could of been implantation bleeding. Lots of women think its the start of their period when really its not. I would definitely go buy a test or go see a doctor for one. Being that late on your period is not normal specially if your not irregular. I would also recommend the tests that are digital that either say pregnant or not pregnant, they are lot easier than trying to determine if there is a line visible or not. Let me know how it goes.
ParticipantWait and see if you get your period. If you don’t then you should test. But you can’t just go by the symptoms, I’ve thought I was pregnant so many times from having the symptoms of pregnancy and turned out not to be. And sometimes when you worry enough about it you can actually fool your body into believing you are pregnant and so it will act that way.
ParticipantI know this is confusing. I went through the same thing, with it coming out one dark line and one very faint line. But I went to the doctors and had a urine and blood test which were both negative. They say even a faint line is positive so I don’t know why the test showed like that when I wasen’t pregnant but I would suggest to you to either go and buy one of those digital pregnancy tests, the kind that say either pregnant or not pregnant or go to the doctors and have a blood test which is the most accurate way.
ParticipantI just went to the doctor and had a urine pregnancy test which turned out negative so I’m just going to go by that. I don’t think I need a blood test unless I don’t get my period in 5 weeks like I’m supposed to.
ParticipantI went to the doctor and had a urine and blood pregnancy test. Both were negative. So that test must of been wrong. After that anyways I bled for like 6 days and then have been spotting ever since. But now again I think I might be pregnant because on June 13th I had sex and missed a birth control pill that day. I took two the next day as recommended in the instruction book but I heard you can get pregnant from just missing one pill and plus I wasen’t taking my pills at the same time every day, I’d be so busy I’d take one in the morning one day and the next day at night. I heard even doing that can drop your hormone levels and ovulation can occur. So Tuesday I’m going to have another pregnancy test at my doctors. It will be two weeks exactly from the time I possibly could of conceived.