I don’t know what to do.Me and my boyfiend have had sex. I’ve been stressed out ever since because we got caught up and did’nt mean for it to happen.I have had stomach aches, cramping, back aches, and frequent urinating. I have also been eating a little more and kinda of tired. I haven’t missed my period and i dont come on until Jun.30-July2. I’ve been so stressed out about that this could just be symtoms of stress. My mother asked me if i was having sex and i wanted to tell her so bad but i didnt want to upset her or make her feel disrespected.So i told her no and that we almost did but stopped.Now tomorrow she taking me to the doctor for birth control. But i’m scared i might be pregnant.We had sex on Jun.12 and i’ve started having those symtoms slowly ever since.First the cramps, then back aches, then alot of urinating, then stomach aches.Yesterday i started eating everything. Today i slept alot. What should i do?