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  • in reply to: I am 15 weeks pregnant and very young #23288

    I want to say that I dont feel sorry for you and I am glad that you have wonderful parents:) I was a teen parent also, and I know the feeling of disappointing your family. But I am 34 yrs old now and it has made my family very proud how I have raised my children. How I went from a teen mom, to finishing school. Getting a job, my own car and own place to live. It made me very independent, and responisble. You sound like you have your head on your shoulders and your parents disappointment will pass. When they see you care for your baby on your own, and doing whats right, they will be very pleased, and proud of you.
    Good luck sweetie:)
    Im here to listen or talk to anytime.

    in reply to: Keeping the Baby #23287

    I am very happy for you that things are still going good and you have a healthy baby boy:)
    I was a teen mom at 16 with twin girls. I knew I was going to keep them no matter what. Their father was involved but spent alot of his life in jail/now in prison. But he is still in their life. I didnt care I didnt on my own, with the help of my mom and his parents, and my close friends. They made me who I am today. And they are 18 yrs old now and in college. I believe I raised them well, because they are wonderful, smart children.
    Congrats again:)

    in reply to: Praying I made the right choice #23286

    Thanks:) I am doing pretty good. Im still feeling guilty because I am not very excited about this pregnany like I was with my other children. Physically I am great.I have talked to my BF about getting married and he isnt ready for that yet. That has frustrated me alot and we have been talking about it the last few days. I would rather wait to get married after the baby is born. He wants a big wedding and I would rather not be pregnant when getting married.

    So we will continue to discuss it. I am not feeling like a bad mother anymore and my children are very excited. My family is also. But they keep asking me if we have plans of getting married. His family is also excited. We are with each other day and night besides when I work 3 nights a week so I dont see why we cant live together now and plan to get married sometime next year. Im a bit frustrated. I will keep ya updated. I go to my first Drs. appt. on 12/4 I am sorta excited and also want to talk to the Dr. about my feelings. Maybe its depression?

    in reply to: Re:Possible Ectopic? #23285

    Ive had an ectopic about 12 years ago. I didnt know I was pregnant. I went to the ER and the reason I went to the ER was because I was 3 1/2 weeks along and my fallopian burst. I had so much pain, I was bleeding internally, and had a hard time getting in the car to get to the ER. I could barely talk either.
    Once I got there they did a pregnancy test it was positive and then they did a U/S and found out I lost a fallopian tube. I had emergency surgery, then recieved 3 pints of blood that I had lost. No fun I tell ya. So yeah I hope you made it to the DR.?
    I am now high risk everytime I get pregnant, I go first thing to U/S.

    in reply to: 7weeks and a bit=) #23244

    Congrats!! Im a bit over 8 weeks and I feel great. I just wish I was excited like I was with my other children. Dont get me wrong I am happy I am going to have another baby, but the excitement isnt there like it was with my other babies. I honestly dont care about the sex, just as long as it is healthy.
    Anyways, it is going by fast. Im in no rush to have my pregnancy over, this is my last baby. I want to enjoy every last minute of it:)

    in reply to: Twins? MAYBE? #23243

    I think your best bet is to get to the Dr. I called for an appt. when I was 4 weeks and they sent me to an U/S before I even had an appt. And we saw only one. I am now lil past 8 weeks and I also am big(showing alot) I have gained 6 lbs already.

    I also have a set of twins and it runs in my family. But you having an U/S is your best bet.

    in reply to: scared to do this alone #23233

    It will take a toll on you and your son. Guys are jerks. He should have maned up and made it work for all of you to be a family. Then after trying and it doesnt work then you seperate. Its hard being young and not ready to be grown and take on responsibilities.
    I wish you lots of luck.

    in reply to: scared and pregnant #23232

    Well, I am glad everyone says it is normal. I have never been scared with my other pregnancies, I was happy and excited. Now with this one Im just plain scared. I hope it passes the further along we get:)

    in reply to: when did you find out you were preggo? #23229

    I knew I was pregnant when I was 2 weeks along. I started to have symptoms. Then on week three I was falling asleep every night at work and that was not like me at all, plus on my days off I was in bed by 7pm. I struggled to stay awake. We took a test 2 days before missed period. Thats how we knew for sure.

    in reply to: im not having one but TWO babys #23228

    Congrats!!!! Having twins sure is an experience. I was a teen mom with twins. My girls are now 18 yrs of age. It has been a learning experience for me and I did it all being single. I didnt get merried to thier step father till they were 4 yrs old. But good luck and you will be fine. Just make sure you have alot of support:)

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