7weeks and a bit=)

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      sooo, atm im 7 weeks and 3 days pregnant =)
      wooow, the time is flying by… i remember i was a bit more than 3 weeks-waiting to get the test done, then 4 weeks-i made the test that cinfirmed what i thought and now, helllooouuu im 7 weeks…ill soon be 8? where is the time going?
      ok when im sooo sick in the morning/day and vomiting(tmi sorry) there the time goes by sooo slooow… but goosh, when i look back now, it goes soo fast =)
      and im gettin excited and in love every day more..i just cant explain the feeling=)

      just thought ill share my excitement =)

      how are you ladys doing? the prego ones? and the ones that allready have their joy in their hands?:kiss:


        I’m glad that your pregnancy is going well, but I really hope that the sickness wears off soon! 🙂


          Congratulations! 😀 I’m so happy for you!

          Unfortunately I’m in my last trimester… so I’m miserable!


            Congrats!! Im a bit over 8 weeks and I feel great. I just wish I was excited like I was with my other children. Dont get me wrong I am happy I am going to have another baby, but the excitement isnt there like it was with my other babies. I honestly dont care about the sex, just as long as it is healthy.
            Anyways, it is going by fast. Im in no rush to have my pregnancy over, this is my last baby. I want to enjoy every last minute of it:)


              haha i know exactly what you mean.. i can remember being 8 weeks pregnant and thinkin it was going so fast and i was so far along, now im 24 weeks and that feels just like yesterday! dont worry, even tho it feels like youll never stop getting sick you eventually will. glad to hear ur enjoyin ur pregnancy!

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