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  • in reply to: Can positives be false? #22638

    to autumn again (lol) I have an appointment on the sixteenth. its the earliest they could get me in… ugh.

    in reply to: Can positives be false? #22637

    I forgot that i have been getting headaches, and then having hot flashes and getting dizzy at about 12 30 everyday. I dont know if thats significant in anyway, but i just thought that id put it out there. lol

    in reply to: Can positives be false? #22634

    To Autumn. Thank you for asking your doctor.. : D I have taken 4 EPT prego tests and they were all positive. I took two First response tests and they were both negative.. According to the due date calculator thing i would only be 5 weeks pregnant. And i guess there could be a difference in hormones at different parts of the day… so maybe the other brand cant detect it yet or something. i dunno..

    in reply to: About Abortion #22630

    I love this poem. I really wish more girls could read it.. Maybe less girls would kill their children.

    in reply to: UGH #22629

    I would definitely take another test if you havent started in a few days. EPT have worked the best for me! lol Its good not to stress yourself out about it, (something i have a hard time doing) but you have to think about it some silly. I have to get a blood test done on the sixteenth. Scary! but if your tests come out negative you should get a blood test done too. They are supposedly the most accurate. Good luck!

    in reply to: Can positives be false? #22628

    To jessica.. Not thinking about it is easier said than done.. I try not to, but i went to the fair and started to get on a ride, but then i was like wait, this could be dangerous. So, i had to think about it the whole night because i couldnt do anything. And my moms pregnant which reminds me everyday. And ive already had two miscarriages, so i am soo very paranoid. I have to assume i am so i can protect it with the best of my capability. I didnt do that with my other two babies and i feel like a horrible mother for it. I am very stressed out right now because i dont know exactly how i should feel. My first babys due date is the 18th, so i am already going to be an emotional wreck, and if i find out im not pregnant two days before that its going to be soo hard. Ugh…..

    in reply to: Help anyone? #22627

    I havent found out anything yet.. I did take another test that came out positive though. I have a doctors appointment for the sixteenth. Its the earliest they could get me in. Ugh. Now im just waiting…….. I dont know how to feel..

    in reply to: Can positives be false? #22601

    So, im keeping you VERY updated. lol I took another test today and it was positive again. I know normally they are more accurate if you take them in the morning because you have more of the pregnancy hormone in you urine and stuff, but mine have come out darker when i take them in the afternoon. I guess im just really really weird. That would be my luck. lol Im very impatient. I have to be protective and motherly just in case, and im getting used to the idea of being pregnant, so if im not its going to feel like ive lost a baby all over again. I dont know how ill be able to handle it. Just in case, does anyone know of any good ways to deal with it? If that even made sense

    in reply to: Can positives be false? #22572

    K guys. I have a doctors appointment on the sixteenth. Which seems forever away. But if i am i guess i wont get any less pregnant. lol Thank you so very much for your help!

    in reply to: Can positives be false? #22561

    well, i wasnt very demanding at my doctors office. I just switched to her, and she was like, i sure hope you arent pregnant, and stuff like that, which made me feel like crap. So, i didnt ask for a blood test or anything. I really do need to call her, but im really nervous. I really do think i am. My stomach muscles are feeling funny and im hungry all the time, and my boobs hurt if i touch them, and i am extra emotional, and i dont like some of my favorite foods anymore. i dont know whats going on.! And plus ive had three obviously positive home tests. The last one i took was the darkest. They are all kind of light, but still obvious. I need to take a blood test, but i hate being made feel like im stupid, if you know what i mean. Sigh. I guess i will call my doc tomorrow. Thank you so much for your help

    in reply to: Can positives be false? #22560

    having a miscarriage is something i am extremely worried about. I had one in february and one in may. YOud think i would know how to stop getting pregnant, but the first time i was on birth control, the second time i was so depressed about losing my first baby i wanted to get pregnant,(stupid, i know) and this time i used condoms. I was supposed to start my birth control when i started my period last month. ha.. All my tests were light, but obviously positive. I didnt cramp at all, which i always do, and ive cramped so bad i couldnt walk both times ive lost my babies. So, i know that hasnt happened yet. i am being very very careful right now. i was going to go to the health department friday but i whimped out. im afraid theyre going to tell my theirs is negative again and then ill feel really stupid. I think im just going to keep taking tests for another week. i need to know asap though so i can start taking prenatal vitamins and junk. Thank you for your help! : )

    in reply to: I know I’m pregnant, and he wants me to have an… #22498

    Its not the babies fault it wasn’t conceived at an appropriate time. And do not let someone else make a decision that huge for you. And abortions are very risky. I know someone who has had four abortions and she cant have kids anymore because of it. Having that many abortions is sad, but whats even more sad is that shes only seventeen. Being infertile is a very likely consequence. Then its not going to matter if the time is “appropriate” or not. He wont ever be able to have a baby with you. I agree with jessey223. Take responsibility. Abortion is not a form of birth control. If you guys were ready for sex then you were ready for a baby. Everyone knows having sex can easily lead to having a baby. I hope i dont sound rude, but i really believe that child deserves to have a life. I hope you do the right thing. Good luck.

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