I promise myself

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  • in reply to: my bf is a jerk. #22414
    I promise myself

    Hi There,

    It makes me sad to know that some men out there think woman are thier slaves and they can treat us with no respect! It sounds like he is walking over you and treating you like youre his dog. I reckon you should talk to him and tell him how you really feel and the things he does and says is really hurtfull. And also it would be best to seek proffesional help, maybe some counseling? Setting a good example for your babies is the most important thing, don´t let him manipulate you – its very childish telling you that he is going to leave you, try sorting out your short comings, but ask yourself one question, do you really want your babies growing up in a harsh environment?

    in reply to: So, I am currently 5 days late for my Cycle. #22369
    I promise myself

    The best thing will be the blood test – but you can take another test a week after – and the symptoms start quite early in most cases.
    Best of luck let me know what happens!

    in reply to: Uggh #22368
    I promise myself

    Hi There,

    WOW i actually got stomach pains from your story! Why on earth would you doctor act like a child – because if you ask me thats what she is doing. If Iw as in your shoes, I would seek another doctor who is not emotional about your health – really dont settle for one opinion – and BTW your mom shouldn´t make this choice for you – its your life and the life of your baby – it would be selfish of her to want to take this life. Please dont go thru with this until you have seen a different doctor and got atleast a second opinion – it sounds like you really want this child your mind is in the right place! Please keep me posted! Chin up!

    in reply to: I’m Pregnant, can someone give me advice? #22366
    I promise myself

    There is two choices – 1: Adoption 2: Abortion 3: Keep the baby… Yeah I know I mentioned three but abortion is not a choice… Its an option wich should not be considered. I would personally never be able to give my baby away if I had one, but I guess we all feel different – before taking a live rather sit AND think, there are alot of good homes for babies who are given up – you should think about the future and how this will affect you in the long run, just make sure of what you want to do and be sure it won´t be a burden to carry for the rest of your life… Hope you make the right decission

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