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Participanthey babe…
i think, more you are going to thing about your period, more the stress can put her away…
that happened to me also…but then when i was 4days late i stopped thinkin about and bum, there she was…
but if there is a pretty good chance that u are pregnant,go and buy a test…don’t worry 2much, whatever it’s going to happen, u can deal with it…
just belive..GangY
Participanthey…i just read your post…
how old are you?well what is your heart telling you? cause however, the decision is yours…i can just tell you, that i had an abortion..and belive me, it would be easier to have the baby…’cause i wake up and feel this big guilt,…and i would do anything to get the time back and keep it, i know i cant..but i would.
’cause you know, when u want something, then you can make it, the questin is just, what does your heart telling you?
you have to know what YOU want, cause whatever decision you will make, only YOU will live with it…
if u need someone to talk or anything, i’m here *****hugs****GangY
Participantok well… look girl, you have a bf thats supports you…ok is true that it is going to be a huge shock for your parents…but belive me you DON’T wanna go trough the abortion…i had one…’cause i thought that that was my only chance…but babe, it is going to be hard to have a baby, but it is going to be even harder to abort… maby in the begining you will feel ok, but then you will wish the whole time that you could turn back time and keep the baby…
we are all here for youGangY
Participanti had an abortion…so maby you will think i don’t feet in this topic..but actually i do…’cause i am against it,since i know so much about it, and that i do have other options at my age, im against it…i think that the people just dont inform the people enough about how bad abortion ist…in my country there is just talking how hard it is and how your baby will suffer when you will have it before you finish your education…nobody tlls you how harder it will be to finish ur education with the thoughts on an abortion in your had…
ParticipantHey… thank you for answering me.. that’s just the problem of mine..i know i have to forgive myself..there are some days that i actually do forgive me…but then it comes all over me again.. and that’s why i’m depressed :S
thank you for your advice,but here it is, my problem, i’m living in a country in wich there are no organizations like in the USA, or England or so 🙁
i’m living in a country in wich also nobody suports teen-pregnancys, even my old doctor (where i had made my pregnancy test) didn’t tell me that there is a choice of keeping the baby…she made me the ultrasound and bum in a second she started talikn about abortion..i think that’s also a fact why i am depressed..i kond of blame my self to not inform myself about other options..i’m mad on me ’cause i didn’t know that time all about teen-pregnancy, or maby adoption… but what is done is done…i just can’t whait the day when i am going to be with my baby again.GangY
ParticipantHey to all of you…when i was reading those lines i felt tears in my eyes…i discovered this page a month ago…and i am really happy that i did. i felt so alone for the past year and a half since my abortion…i thought that i cant talk to anyone about this…i had the feeling (when i was trying to tell what i feel) that nobody understands me…i am still in depresion..i hate myself for what i had done..i had killed my baby…all i want is to get it back…to know the sex of it…i think that it would be a girl…she was in my belly for 12 weeks… i really don’t feel good..i can’t forgive myself for what i’ve done…yes i’m 18 years old, i’m young…but i know that i could make it… i’m just so sad..i miss my baby 🙁