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  • in reply to: my babies daddy wants nothing to do with me #10953

    hey girl i’m so sry to hear about that i am 13 and pregnant but i have the blessing of my babies daddy support and him being w/ me but still remember even though your ex isn’t in love w/ you and changed his mind on every thing he said and has moved on w/ his life just remember that baby will always love you!!! it may be hard raising it yourself but you always have us to turn to and your friends should help but w/e you do plez do not get an abortion that just isn’t the way out and it could kill you in the future it has before just plez remember that baby loves you!! hope you make the right decision and good luck lots of love to you
    ~lauren :silly:

    in reply to: 13….and possibly pregnant #10408

    thanx i really apprectiate your support from you and everyone i don’t know what i would do w/o you guys thanx so much

    in reply to: Help PLEASE!!! #10384

    if it were me i wouldn’t do it i just can’t stand the thought of abortion and if your boy friend is trying to make you choose and you say he is mean to you i don’t think he’s really worth it i mean he may mean a lot to u and if you mean a lot to him he’ll come around eventually i’ve been their with my friends and i know how it feels to be left alone but i too am worried that i might be pregnant and i’m only 13 and i don’t know what to do either but if i were you i’d either have it and keep it or have it and give it up for adoption but i wouldn’t have an abortion cuz remember babies are a gift from god well i hope i’ve been of some help write back to me if you want bye
    fuzyelmo1313 🙂

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