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ParticipantI had my son at 14. Hes two now . You’ll get through it . it will be hard but i did it and so can you. If you ever need anything im here .
ParticipantIm proud of you. You did the right thing by leaving him
If he hit you once he will hit you again ,I know a girl who i became friends with online and she was 15 and pregnant and her boyfrined beat the hell out of her and it killed her baby she was 21 weeks. I know its hard being a single mom but its whats best for you and your baby.evansmommie
Participantyep i went in the nightbefore my sons dudate and they gave me cervidil and the next morning the stareted the petocin.
After they gave me the cervidil they gave me morphine so i fell asleep and slept a pretty good bit that night , i wasnt in pain just a little cramping in the morning. Then they started the petocin adn i started having contractions then my water broke and the contractions came sooner and were more and more painful. But it wasnt too long after that when they gave me my epidural and then the pain was gone……until i found out i had to have a c-section b/c he was stuck.
they induced me b/c i couldnt wait anylonger , i was going to pop! he was born on his duedate. I was so big my strech marks on my stomach were litterally cracking open and bleeding i was so streched out. I was
Good luck !evansmommie
ParticipantIt depends on where you live and weather or not your parents will want to press charges on him. IN my state GA if the girl is underthe age of consent (16) and the guy is over it then he can get in trouble , search online to be sure. But from what i think , if your parents dont press charges then he should be fine. but im not 100% sure.
And tell your parents soon , im not an expert on this becaue i didnt tell them either time i was pregant they found out before i got the chance ! First the doctor told them , then this time my step mom overheard me on the phone and my mom just asked me. Just be prepared that this will be a shock for them too and they might not be too suportive in the begining but hopefully they will come around. Good luck !!! -