DiAZZZ 26 weeks

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  • in reply to: at home gender test(girl!) #25819
    DiAZZZ 26 weeks

    The gender test was right. I had a ultra sound this morning & its a baby boy! im so excited!

    in reply to: at home gender test(girl!) #25763
    DiAZZZ 26 weeks

    I know that but its still just a fun thing to do lol

    in reply to: at home gender test(girl!) #25710
    DiAZZZ 26 weeks

    I did that thinggy to but mine said boy! =D

    in reply to: Confused and Stressed, help? #25561
    DiAZZZ 26 weeks

    —>Your so brave and mature for asking for help like this. that is already making you a good parent.

    —>as for your question about finishing school…you have to finish you absolutely need to finish if you want more options for you future. i am facing the same struggle right now being that im 15 & 10 weeks pregnant at first i thought about quiting but then i realized that would be a big mistake so im going to an alternative school for teen parents where i can still receive my high school diploma.

    —>as for dealing with the disappointment it starts to slowly fizzle out as long as you step up and give you baby everything to give him/her the best life then there is no reason for anyone to be disappointed in you.

    —>getting a job would be a very wise decision cause babys are expensive but i know you know that.

    —>but its good to hear abortion is not an option for you because babys are so fragile & innocent i think every life deserves a chance

    —>well it sounds like you and your girlfriend still have alot of talking to do so if you ever have any questions on how im dealing with certain issues or you just need to talk dont be afraid to 🙂


    in reply to: misuse of this site #25549
    DiAZZZ 26 weeks

    completely agree with you

    very well said:)

    in reply to: misuse of this site #25545
    DiAZZZ 26 weeks

    i agree. but sometimes people take my happiness about my situation as i meant to do it…which is 100% not true. im just trying to make the best of my situation & the challenge God has put in front of me. theres no use in stressing myself out 25/7 and possibly doing harm to my baby when i have the love and support from my fiance like i do. i understand the stress and hardship ahead of me but im ready to do this for my baby. thats just the way i feel:)

    in reply to: maybe pregnant again #25531
    DiAZZZ 26 weeks

    The cirvex has very sensitive blood vessles durring pregnancy & it is very easy for it to bleed. But call your doctor to make sure & dont stress yourself out cause if you are pregnant again that is bad for the baby. i hope i helped a little. good luck:)

    in reply to: When is your due date? #25525
    DiAZZZ 26 weeks

    Mine isnt 4 a long time but i still cant wait
    march 3 2010
    im 9 weeks tomorrow;)

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)