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Participantit is possible that you are pregnant but you cannot rely on symptoms alone. The only way to know for sure is if you go to the doctor. Because symptoms could mean other things. and I know that if you are trying to get pregnant any little thing is so exciting! I did that for about 2 months before I got pregnant. My body played alot of tricks on me because i wanted to be pregnant so bad.what i thought was pregnancy symptoms were actually pms. But wait a few days take a preg. test. and if it’s neg. and you still don’t get your period. go to the doctor. Good luck hun.B)
Participantyeah I was a lil nervous about everything going on. And a lil pissed. When I had my pap done my vagina was sore for 2 days. And my stomach was pushed on so hard it hurt. Not to mention when they were doing the blood test my body decided to get a bad spell of nausea and i almost threw up on the floor. I’m a lil nervous about waiting for the results of all my tests. I hope i have nothing. But if they do find sometihing in me I know that the doctors will take care of my baby and that is really all i care about. I’m really excited too because at my second appointment in april when I am 12 weeks I get to hear the heartbeat! So Don’t worry. I’m sure that everything will be just fine for you just have faith and know that you and your baby will be very well taken care of.;) and just wait. In a few months you will have a beautiful baby to hold after all of this is over
Participantyes it can….I havent personally but a girl I know did..or at leat she said she did…but you can get pregnant by it….be careful….
ParticipantI just started getting back pain too……could that be a symptom???