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  • in reply to: i hate being pregnant but cant wait for my baby #11637

    Hey, I know how your boyfren always goes out and I’m 31weeks pregnant. He doesn’t go spend our money and party hard..but he always goes and hangs with his friends. It’s really annoying especially because I feel so alone. I’m pregnant and most of my frens rather spend a friday evening or saturday evening going out. I’m stuck at home watching tv or being on the computer well hes chillen with his friends.
    Some people just say let it go..but I swear if he doesn’t change by the time the baby is born..I really don’t see it working. We both love oneanother, but I guess we gotta give eavhother our space. His space includes going and hanging with his friends..I guess I have to put up with it. Anyways just wanted to let you know it will be okay. I know how it feels!!! UGHHH so annoying!!! Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well, and don’t stress yourself out!!!

    in reply to: Screwed up #11624

    Okay everyone is different, but thats how I was when I got pregnant. I thought I got my period but it just stopped..I guess it would of been spotting. I had my "period" for 3months and I was pregnant…Just like my girlfren, she got her "period" for 5 months and she was pregnant. They were obviously not regular periods but we were both naive and just thought okay so are period is different this month. Who cares right?
    Look just go take a test, because the longer you wait the less options you have. Whatever your decission is, I hope you make the right one in the end. Godd luck, and keep us updated!!!

    in reply to: I Did It On My Own..And We’re Happy #11611

    Wow your story brought tears to my eyes!!! I really think you are stroung, and I’m so happy that you did that all. I wish you all the luck in the future!!!
    I’m 31wks pregnant and even though I don’t have alot, I’m going to work hard so my baby can have it all one day. Thanks for righting your story, it really made me take a second look at things in my life.
    Honestly best of luck, God bless and I wish you all the best!!!

    in reply to: hellllllllllp #11457

    Theres websites that can tell you which day you got pregnant…just put in your due date and it will tell you the day of conception. Just keep looking in the internet, you should be able to find out. Or you can always ask your doctor, he can help you out.
    Good luck

    in reply to: HELP! #11408

    Honestly it’s your choice but like you said you hated yourself after the first one right? I had an abortion to when I was 17yrs old and not a day goes by about me not thinking of this child. I’am now 21yrs old and I’am pregnant again. I thought of abortion, and I just couldn’t go through with it. I remembered all that pain I suffered from before. Then I thought about adoption & thought this is what I may do. I’am now 24wks pregnant, and I actually fall in love with my unborn son. After the ultra sound I saw what he was doing inside me. He was doing flips, sucking his thumb, and basically having his own lil party inside me. I knew from that day on I couldn’t give my son up, so I now decided to keep him. Maybe if you decide you can go througgh with adoption,but who knows maybe you will fall in love with unborn child, and decide to keep him/her.
    best of luck on your decission, and I hope you choose what is best for you. Do whatever will make you happy…I know this is an emotional time, but you will get through. Just keep thinking of everything, and don’t let anyone influence your decission. IT is entirely up to you!!!!

    in reply to: Recent breakup. Unexpected pregnancy. #11407

    Whoa, honesty is there a way you can move back near home? maybe you need some more support. All though goood for you on everything, and your obviously a stroung person. good luck with everything, you will make it though!!

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