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  • in reply to: my life after February the 5th #24086

    do not blame yourself…you gave them both all they need and needed…now you just need to be there for angie and be strong for her…dont give up stay strong…and remember the darkest hour is just before dawn…

    in reply to: I need help!! #23967

    hi…if you started your periods the same night that you had sex, then you not pregnant…sperm can only live in your system for 7 days and by the time your body starts releasing another egg there wont be anything to fertilize it.

    in reply to: Shocked, Scared & Confused.. #15337

    well what i could suggest would be to just sit your grandmother down and talk to her…she will most probably be angry at you even though she was in the same situation but she would be angry because she would hope to know better,and which you do which is why you are taking responsibilty for your actions and keeping this baby….that is the only way…some elders respect you even more for sitting them down and telling them the truth…but eventually she will warm up to the idea..and so will your parents…in from south africa so i dont know exactly how far you stay from your parents but if you not going to see them soon…then the best is to send a letter…
    i hope i helped a lil bit…and good luck

    in reply to: I am getting induced!! #15214

    good luck i hope all goes well…u must be super excited about finaaly getting to see your baby…is it a boy or girl

    in reply to: Baby came way too early #15097

    hey girl hang in there i will keep you and your baby im my prayers…God will always be there when you need him all you habe to do is kneel down and pray…
    how far along were you when the baby came

    in reply to: my baby girl is HERE!!! #14988

    congratulations…you must be happy that the wait is finally over and who dont have to wonder what she looks like…though it sounds like you went through hell. i really have to give it to all the girls here that have gone through labour…you ladies are to be proud of yourselves…

    in reply to: I HAD THE BABY! #14904

    hey congratulations you must be so excited i know i would be…i wish you and your family all the best i cant wait till i get to experience that…

    in reply to: Sober mothers and drunk daddies #14799

    i dont know what to say,sweety you dont deserve this and your kids dont needs this aswell…why have you stayed with this man that treats you so badly for so long…how many times has he said we has changed and lets you down.besides his drinking he clearly does not love you because he is sleeping around with other women and with every women he sleeps with he is also sleeping with the people she has been with…you dont know what kind of std’s they are carrying
    and he will eventually infect you with HIV think about your kids think about YOU. HE IS NOT WORTH YOUR TIME,CARE AND LOVE.

    in reply to: are these signs of being prego #14494

    thanks…im not too stressed…its just that the waiting is killing me…

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