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  • in reply to: Hi i’m new and have a q’s!! #24526

    hi congrats on ur baby boy and well whether or no u get along with him or if ur parents dont want him around thats not their decisoin to make and ur son deserves to know his father …and ur right u dont have to love him but u r always and forever gonna b conneted to him through ur son…so why not make the best of it hope this helps.

    in reply to: Help :-/ #20309

    answer:no its not possible..
    its wayyyy tooo early…but keep me updated n let me kno if ur period comes or not.

    in reply to: Have To Let You Go .. #18419

    hey nicole….PLEASE DO NOT GET AN ABORTION…trust me you will regret it…especially when u see other people with their babies or when u see a pregnant person….i kno how u feel write now and i have been through it but unlike u i didnt have this site at the time and i didnt have any source of support….well heres my story and i hope it helps u…

    hi im santanah,in march of 2006 i found out i was 5 weeks pregnant..this was three weeks after my 15th bday…i told me cousin first and automatically she said abortion at the time i wasnt sure so i told her yea and then a week before i was scheduled to get it i finall y spoke out that i i didnt want to ..i was crying and everything and my mom was crying at that time i didnt really know how many things i could have done to keep my baby…my boyfriend wanted me to i was i went along with them(my cousin and mom) and had the abortion in april…i was so depressed i was crying everyday..then the doctors put me on birth control and on may26 i switch from the pills to the shot and at that time they took a pregnancy test and it came out negative so the went ahead and gave me the shot….i was schedule for another shot on august1 but in july i felt tired and i had to pee alot…so i took a hoime test and it came out POSITIVE..omg…my boyfriend and i were so shocked but i kind of felt that i was so it was just like wow and once again he wanted me to keep it and i did too so much because the first abortion was horrible and i didnt want to feel that way again so i went in on the 1st and they told me i was 12 weeks then they told me to make prenatal appointment so i did and they took a ultra sound and everything when i saw it moving i felt like crying i felt so connected to it…then she told i wasnt 12 weeks i was 15 WEEKS AND 2 DAYS…wow and the next week i would find out if it was a boy or girl..wowww…but then of course i told my mom and she said that i have to get an abortion…i cried …i prayed i was even ready to move out and since my boyfriend was 18 he could have rent a room …i was determined not to have an abortion…but then they started telling me how his mother is going to hate he is going to hate me and other things…until i finally gave in …..i cried and cried..ever since that i just dont talk to my mom really ..she tries to talk to me but i feel as though i cant trust her and i cant believe she made me kill my baby….its around 5 months later and i still cry when i see pregnant people or babies..and tomorrow which is jan.31 would have been my due date……all i can say to those teens who are pregnant as long as you have a plan and you thing you can handle it DONT GET AN ABORTION..TRUST ME ITS ONE OF THE WORST THINGS YOU CAN DO…


    in reply to: + PREGNANT! #18273

    congrats i see u finally took it well tell wat happens when u go to the doctor…muahzz

    in reply to: Abortion #17892

    i went through the saome situation as u..if u ever need to talk …hit me up

    in reply to: Family?! #17852

    ur situation is kinda difficult…all i can offer right now is just be patient maybe with time they will turn around….

    in reply to: Confused and sad:( #17831

    it ok to want caz am in the same situation i had one at 15 weeks and 2 days….and its hard coming on here but i also love it caz its like me imagining oh hey that could have been my baby and then i get sad….but ur not alone i want my BABY back and i feel i am ready this time even though i am only 16…you can never be too young to give love

    in reply to: Two Abortions…Pregnant agian…Keeping this one. #17792

    im so happpy for…my story is similar except i didnt get pregant the third time and i told myself that if i ever did again i wont get an ABORTION…no way..

    in reply to: have to wait till 12 weeks for doc apt?? #14860

    i have never heard that before..i suggest you try to go get checked up at another clinic…hopefully you’ll get throughB)

    in reply to: My Story #14856

    aww i understaand you and are you keeping it ….and where are you from what stae…..and of course CONGRATULATIONS

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