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  • in reply to: Double Love #24083

    omg! Congrats! I’m so happy for you!!! Your parents will come around after all the emotions hit them! I’m 5 months now and my parents are finally excited for my son! Just hang in there!!!!

    in reply to: Pregnancy questions.. help me please?? #23861


    Well im 16 and pregnant, im 21 weeks right now.

    I started cyber school at 20 weeks just to be safe, look up what cyber schools are around you. They usually are free cause there a public school. Its been great especially with doctors appointments and just when you dont feel good.

    Dont worry about fallin or anything like that it most likely wont happen. If your still worried just be extra careful.

    I wont take the med. anymore call your doctor and ask. I didnt know at first i was pregnant and i was on so many meds. for depression, migranes and breathing med. I had to go see another doctor to make sure they didnt affect my baby.

    The doctor told me when you eat lunch meat to make sure its hot and dont eat aged cheese.

    You take prenatals for the whole pregnancy or atleast thats what my doctor said.

    Seriously, i thought my parents would kick me out! But i wrote my mom an email and she was calm. But its been really weird around especially with me getting bigger. In the email i told her i had a plan i shared it with her and i told her about how i plan on working things out and that david ( my boyfriend) is going to stick by and his parents are very supportive. Stay calm and tell them before your to far in. You really need to get to a doctor and confirm it and everything.

    I hope that helps a little. Good luck! If you need anything message me 🙂


    in reply to: c-section or natural? #23328

    i’m due on June 2nd!

    I dont know sometimes i think it would be better and other times im so scared.

    in reply to: has anyone? #22702

    i know just how you feel. right now your probaly so confused and hurt but you think your doing the right thing staying with him. but its not what he wants its what you and your baby need. please get away from him some how some way tell someone so they can help. i didnt tell anyone for 7 months i was raped by a guy and then it came out when i was raped again in school. to the guy who hurt me 7 months ago nothing happened he is still living around me and still is a treat dont let that happen to you. the hardest thing to do is tell someone but you really need to. just talk to maybe a friend that you know will do the right thing and tell an adult. you might wanna call yout local rape counsel program. It really helps to talk to people who know what your going through. good luck!!

    in reply to: how to tell ur parents??? #21785

    well I still have not told my parents! But I have an idea of when and how to tell ! I’m going to write them an email and then go out for dinner and talk about what’s going on!!! But I have taken 3 test on 3diffrenr days one was positive and two were negative !!! I done know what to do now any ideas??

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