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  • in reply to: Need POSITIVE abortion advice! #26694

    im not saying this is a Pro-Life

    but maybe this is not the site
    that can help you for what you

    i understand you..
    we have different choices..

    right or wrong..
    but we wish we dont regret it in the end..

    in reply to: Need POSITIVE abortion advice! #26653

    if were not helping
    try to search a site that is PROCHOICE!
    We’re here to help not to let you
    feel the what we had felt after our choices.

    if your heart is a STONE!
    go for it.
    just dont tell us that “we’re all right”
    coz i was the one who post things like
    this and get a “NO”, “save your baby”,
    and “dont go to abort”
    but in the end i was stubborn
    and what i get?!

    i regret it!
    i wish i can go back time
    and listen to them..

    listen to Meg.!
    listen to the girls here..
    but no.. i was so weak..
    that its not my intention to go for it..
    but i did it..

    but if your really willing then..
    we have nothing to do w/ it..

    just we wish you wont live the life
    of regretting it!


    I wish you all the best…

    in reply to: Need POSITIVE abortion advice! #26623


    i just had abortion 3months ago..
    it hurts me and change my life
    not in good but worst…
    you know the feeling that you’re just
    waiting for your life to end..

    if i could go back in time i will keep my baby..

    i know your heart is good
    that’s why you are asking for are advice..
    and we are just telling you there is no
    POSITIVE advice about abortion..
    in a way it helps but in the end
    its just gonna kill you w/ regrets..

    here is the site about abortion
    some facts and truth about it.

    and here a video you might change your mind
    in reply to: pregnant with bestfriends boyfriend what do i do?? #26524

    its so complicated i can tell how complicated but tell it now before its goes big and you wont can handle everything..

    talk to the bestfriend’s boyfriend and talk
    to your bestfriend heart to heart..

    and accept all the consequences..

    maybe its a mistake that you’ve done w/
    your bestfriend’s boyfriend but
    remember that the life inside you is not
    a mistake and not a life to blame to what you’ve done..

    i want to share to you my story abit hurt to hear i guess..

    my bestfriend did it to me too..
    it was the hardest and the most painful thing
    your bestfriend can do to you..
    but i accept and forgive them but never to
    forget the thing they did to me..

    i knew everything to someone else its more
    painful for me than if i hear that to my
    bestfriend maybe it wont hurt that much because maybe if she said it to me, its like she respect me
    and accept the consequences and the fact she did..
    but they kept it till she’s 7months for the 1st month of her i went to the hospital w/ her too and help her for her needs and almost stand for her as a man that i think she’ll be needing.. and my boyfriend stay w/ me
    in weekends and some days of weekdays and talk about my bestfriend that he’ll help my bestfriend too and be a good guyfriend to my bestfriend..
    for the beginning till i knew i thought that i was a very good bestfriend and friend to her
    because everyone around us telling her bad things about her pregnancy.. and a very good boyfriend that will understand the situation of my bestfriend..
    and the time i knew that she’s pregnant to my boyfriend. I was so shock i dont even know what to say and to do in nice way that i can express my feeling.. at 1st i cant believe it and the person who told me is lying and just want me to stop helping my bestfriend but no
    i ask him and her both together and my bestfriend start crying and my boyfriend face is like shame and sorry.. i ask why? they just said sorry.. and for me sorry isnt enough..:(
    i cried myself for almost half a year and still forgetting the pain for what happened to us..
    they lied and the most hardest thing to accept is
    they’ll having a baby and i cant get my boyfriend back because of the baby..
    and i lost a bestfriend because i loss my
    trust and believe to her:(
    i cant blame them and i dont blame the baby
    for what happened but i feel the pain so bad..
    that i ask myself why my boyfriend? why my bestfriend?

    so thats my story..
    i wish you learn and know something to the part of the bestfriend who doesnt know,, the person who will be hurt in the end..
    but i didnt say that you wont be hurt..
    everyone in the situation like this will be hurt by their own way..
    but i wish it wont become so big like what
    happened to me..

    if you want more personal and more deep
    advice or just someone to talk to message me anytime..
    ill be here and listen..

    in reply to: What should I do? #26368

    my boyfriend is same..
    if he gets mad i shut the f up and never talk to him until he’s calm and when he gets calm ill talk to him calmly that i dont like what he did and tell him that some is his fault and leave him for awhile and dont talk for awhile..

    the sweet part is he’ll come to me and tell me that he sorry and try to get my feeling/mood again..

    I know some guys dont like girl that loud and fight back to them because there ego?!

    I hope this help..
    and everyone tells me this if he’s hurting u physically leave him..
    but they just know the hurting part of our relation but never the sweet part..

    I guess our guys our same..

    in reply to: dunno if im preggy #26206

    the time i got pregnant..
    i was 2weeks late and i never been that late..
    same as you 2-3days of delay but not a week..

    ill guess its better to buy pregnancy test..
    and its better to know as soon as you can
    if you want to keep the baby healthier you must know ASAP..

    in our local drugstore they sell PT for 100php
    if your in Phil.

    in reply to: I Dont’t know what to do!!!!!!!! :( #26195

    im 17 too..
    and i knew im pregnant last month..
    and i was 6weeks that time too..

    my boyfriend wants the abortion..
    i was like you that time,,
    i thought of him and the future..
    i thought im going to ruin my boyfriend’s
    life and mine. that we were no longer to be
    together because of the baby..
    i thought that i can over the abortion
    and live like a normal life again..

    Nov. 6, 2009 Friday 9:00am
    i went to the hospital for my abortion
    they took my baby..
    and now i regret it..
    even im telling myself billion times
    that i accept what happend
    there is nothing to do w/ it.
    its done but in the end of the day..
    i know myself,, that i hate myself
    and i really regret it..

    i felt what your feeling now..
    i know how hard and scary to carry a life..
    that really just want to live..
    you know i felt too,,
    that i dont want my baby, my first child
    to just threw away..
    but i was stupid to listen to others and
    think its right..
    maybe in a way its right but..
    im paying everyday of my life for that choice!

    dont go for it..
    listen to your heart..
    6weeks, your baby’s heart is beating now..

    they are many people will help you..
    and i know your parents will love your child
    when it came out!
    they just say that because they are scared too..
    and they know how hard..
    but its more hard to miss someone you didnt even knew..:(

    Be Strong!
    im here to help and to listen too:)


    in reply to: No period, Neg. Blood & HPT test.. NEED ADVICE! #26174

    it was same as mine!

    when i was pregnant
    i felt what you feel,,
    that time i thought ill just gonna
    have my period then
    i was 2weeks late since i found out..

    and im suppose to be 12weeks pregnant now..
    but i wasnt strong enough..

    if ever your pregnant think twice..
    and think whats good to your baby and yourself..

    in reply to: i wanna know… #26139

    thanks too..
    i lost my baby 2weeks ago..
    im only 17 and im weak for doing it
    for my boyfriend..
    we’re still together and we never
    talk about it again..
    and i dont want to ask him about it anymore..

    in reply to: hating myself!! #26120

    Thank You Guys..

    While reading your message im crying
    everyday since the loss of my baby i cry..
    i feeling my depression again..
    i stared to eat alot and sleep alot to forget everything hurts me..

    i wish i can go back:(

    in reply to: it’s my choice #26072

    im going to abort tomorrow..

    and yea its my decision too..
    i feel that im not really ready..
    even i said its not good and
    looking that website..

    im still going..
    i know im bad for doing it
    but i think its RIGHT:(


    in reply to: it’s my choice #25995

    I feel the same way too..
    and same situation..

    but i saw a website that really
    tells me about truth a hard truth
    about Abortion..

    im 7 weeks pregnant and still not sure
    but after looking at that site
    im more scared and wanting to keep&save
    the small life inside me..

    in reply to: I regret what I did. #25888

    Hi! i feel the same way..
    but im still pregnant and waiting for my bf’s salary for me to get abortion..
    but i feel i cant wait for it..
    and i know i cant get it..
    but im scared,, it all the same like
    i know that he wont help and stuff..
    and im scared he might hurt me worst..=(
    i cant help but cry all the time i think of it
    and its so hard for me to live everyday knowing i could do nothing for the life inside me..:(

    he took everything from me..
    my confidence, my normal life,
    my friends and now the life that i cant let go=(

    in reply to: 17&&Pregnant:'( #25873

    Thanks Meg:)
    that really help..
    today was the 1st time i see the life inside my body
    i also see the heartbeat moving inside me.. and that makes me cry coz i know in time soon ill lose that life…
    but i think i cant..

    but i cant run away from him i love him
    even he dont want to have the baby..:(

    in reply to: am i?…*update* #23114

    Thanks Guys…:|
    im really worried now:(

    in reply to: am i?…*update* #23102

    White Cells?


    im not really sure..:|

    im sorry:(

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