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  • in reply to: Okay.. just looking for some advice #25555

    sounds like it too me
    GO GET THE TEST:silly:
    good luck

    in reply to: Hey Everyone #25554

    aww. your little boy is sooo cute:P

    in reply to: The other side of Pregnancy #25552

    thank you for sharing your story,
    it gives me hope, that not everything turns out as bad as it is.. see a little more then a month ago the father to my baby tried to kill me and our unborn baby:( , he stabbed me four times, and since then things just seam to get worse its one thing after another.. but your story gives me so hope thanks:)

    in reply to: misuse of this site #25551

    i do agree with you, all the way.. i support young mothers the ones who didnt ask of it, but where strong enough to do it… but on the other hand the ones that are wanting that, that want to have a baby to “play” with i dont! simply because they are SELFISH! they want what they want, they have no idea what its like raising kids by yourself, i was 14 and my mom left me with my 4 little sisters for weeks at a time, and i was forced to care for them! not a choice.. im angry with these young girls who want something to play with or think its so glamorous when i ts not!

    in reply to: can’t cope anymore… #25550

    i would agree, let him be dont try to get him back.. do what you need to do for you and the baby, you cant change a person they have to want to change themselves, just give him time and let his mind get use to the fact he is a dad! and always will be, so he cant run and hide, sooner or later he’ll have to face it… hope things work well. xo

    in reply to: misuse of this site #25505

    i havent been on this site that long, but your right! i have seen a million posts about all that.. for some reason i cant understand why a 14 or even 13 year old girls are wanting babies!! its not all cracked up as it seams they’re alot of work.. i just dont understand it..:dry:

    in reply to: On a lighter note! #25504

    coco butter 🙂 its amazing!

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