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  • in reply to: Help!!II MIGHT BE PREGNANT.need advice #24779

    Hey there girl!, im alex 20 with a 18 months old baby girl…well Meg ask me give you some advice…you may be wondering why… well ive been suffering from eating disorders since i can remember it has affected me in so many ways that you wouldnt believe, my heart, liver, kidneys, eyes, bones, ovaries, are damaged for the rest of my life, i would never have a normal function,… To star things, i got pregnant at 17, i was really scared i even hurted myself, telling my parents was the most difficult thing for me to do, but i told them because i was scared that my eating disorders could affect my baby in any way, i weighed 38 kgs 3 months before i got pregnant and im 166 cms tall so that was really harsh for my body, im also hyperthiroid and they told me that i would never have kids, well they were wrong, i weighed 40 kg by the time i got preg, because all of this i had a really dangerous pregnancy for both me and my baby, they have to check me every month, being pregnant and with an eating disorder was really hard, even though i tried i still starved myself sometimes, and puked,but the last few months i manged to eat healthy with a few falls in between, i gained 9 kgs through all my pregnancy, it was terrible for me, but every time i felt my baby move inside me, all that fear and sadness dissapeared, i started to think that no matter what, if i was fat or skinny, my baby would loved me no matter what, cause my body nourished her, she lived through me the first months of her life… and now i have the healthiest chubbiest baby i would ever imagined, but i almost lost her, because of my eating disorders, becasue of my selfisshness, so my advice, is if you think you´re pregnant, go to a doctor inmediately, talk to your parents believe me, it isnt as bad as it sounds, my parents werent even angry, they were worried for me and my baby because of my eds. You wont regret it, but you will if you dont look for help.

    Im still struggling but working hard every day to get all that in the past

    Love ALX

    in reply to: Help with baby names!! #23013

    I love original names, since im mexican, any name is original here my babys girl is sasha Dayeni, and in the future when i have another girl im gonna name her Casey Dominique

    in reply to: birth anouncement and new mom questions #22320

    hi there! first of all congratulations!, well i co-sleep with my daughter a few hours , or sometimes all night long since she was born, well, first of all my bed is next to the wall and i put some folded sheets so she wont hit against the wall, i have light sleep so im not afraid i would roll over her, but if you are afraid that this can happen to you, they sell some ¨devices¨ for co-sleeping moms so that you wont roll over the baby, i try to make her sleep soemtimes on her crib, what i usually do, is i sit down for a while on her crib (yes its sounds funny but i do) and let her find her own way to sleep, onces shes deeply sleeping i get down and go to my bed, usually around 10 -10:30 pm, and then about 3 am she wakes up and i take her with me to the bed and sleeps with me the rest of the night.. ive been doing this since she was born, so that she can get used to both my bed and her crib, sometimes she sleeps the whole night in her crib, or with me , and this works for me really good…

    About breastfeeding ive been breastfeeding since she was born, im starting to take off breastfeeding for now, shes 11 months, at first she was like your baby , i had ti give her formula too, but i pushed more into breastfeeding, at first it hurted really bad, i almost cried but it was just for the first week, and then i quit on formula, i only gived her formula if i couldnt breastfeed, which was almost never, my advice is even if you feel like its not coming out milk, let the baby keep sucking, stimulation really helps, if you keep stimulating more and more milk would come out, the secret is stimulation, even if you feel its not coming anything, it will believe me, i pumped my milk sometimes and it came 8 oz from each breast, i was a cow!!!, well thats my advice, take kare , lots of love …alex

    in reply to: baby fat….shoot me now! #22252

    Youre not alone sweetie , believe me, i did not only struggle with the baby fat, but ive suffered from eating disorders since i can remember, i had them through my whole pregnancy and i still suffer from anorexia and bulimia, i gained just 20 pounds while i was pregnant and the last 6 weeks of the pregnancy i started losing weight and it was because of my eating disorders so at ht end i just gained like 16 pounds, when i had my baby i was so worried of all the weight gained, but at times i realized that the most important thing was my baby, she doesnt care how i look, she just loves me the way i am, ive been breastfeeding for 11 months , i lost all the weight in 3 months, and it was just by breastfeeding, but even though i lost all the baby fat, im not the same size i was before, my body is different now, im not 100% happy about how my body looks, but thats because im sick, but there are times i dont care, all i care of is my baby, and besides my boyfriend loves the way i look now, he says i have sexy curves :p…hope my story helps, loves..alex

    in reply to: My Little One #22182

    First of all, OMG i youd odnt know how much tenderness you bring to my heart when you talk about your wife like that, i wish my boyfriend talked about me in that way, everytime i read your story i cry, i just cant imagine what your going through, the only thing i cna tell you that even if 10 years pass you will never find the words to talk to your wife about your daughter, those words dont exist, but you have to know that sometimes you dont have to say nothing to help her, just look at her eyes and hold her, no words at all, believe me she would listen to the words of your heart, just talk with your heart, you dont have to make a noise at all, just hold her, hold her with your arms and your soul… take care,, congrats on your baby boy

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