Real Girls, Real Stories

Find yourself feeling alone, scared? Read stories of other women who have been there. Need someone to talk to? Contact Sofia!

new years resoulutions!!:

Anybody got some new year resolutions they would like to share???????mine our: 1: to keep up in school2: start making better choices3: learning how...

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As of Now.

It's weird to think that if I was pregnant, I would be 28 weeks and 2 days, the due date was March 3. I have no regrets, about the pregnancy scare,...

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last month i missed a few pills and my bf and i had sex a few times. unprotected i believe. a week later i had a light flow when i was saposto have...

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Hard Day Today.

I work in a family restaurant. Many families consist of babies. So I usually see at least one baby a day. Since I have had an abortion, seeing...

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Contact Sofia
Stand Up Guy Zone
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