A letter from your guardian angel

by | 2010 | Real Stories

Dear mommy,I know I did not get the chance to stay with you for long.. but I felt your love for me.  And I love you with every bit of my tiny heart.  I know you miss me, but mommy, please don’t cry.  I am happy and healthy and laughing where I am.  There are […]

Dear mommy,
I know I did not get the chance to stay with you for long.. but I felt your love for me.  And I love you with every bit of my tiny heart.  I know you miss me, but mommy, please don’t cry.  I am happy and healthy and laughing where I am.  There are no tears here.  I can’t wait to see you when you get here!  You can rock me in your lap, and sing me to sleep.  You’ll get to hear me call you “mama” and we will be together forever.  Please be strong for me, mommy.  I know you wanted me to stay with you, but I’m in a better place now.  God wanted me to be with Him and all the angels.. but i’m always with you too, mommy.  I’m in your heart, and when you smile, i’m smiling too 🙂  When you laugh, I giggle.  When you cry, i am so sad.  Keep trusting God mommy, he knows what is best.  This is the place that He wanted me to be.. and He whispered in my ear the plans he has for you.  Oh mommy, i wish you could know what He has planned for the rest of your life.  It’s so amazing, so keep hoping.. it may not seem like it right now mommy, but you will find happiness again.  I will be here waiting for you.. and He will hold me in His arms until the time comes for you to be with me again.  You can miss me mommy, because i miss you too, but don’t stop living.  You have to keep on going.. for me.  I love you so much mommy!!  Until we meet again…

-Your little guardian angel

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