Real Girls, Real Stories

Find yourself feeling alone, scared? Read stories of other women who have been there. Need someone to talk to? Contact Sofia!

lost and confused

This may be long, but I feel hopeless and any advice would be great!! In September, I found out I was pregnant with my boyfriend of 3 years. I am 20...

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it’s been a year baby..

dear my sweet little angle, today is your first birthday, and i am so sad i cannot spend it with you. youre so grown up baby, you probably wouldve...

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I want this to be over…

I'm 18 weeks, 3 days... 19 weeks on Friday! I feel like an elephant, can't even fit in my school shirts anymore. I can't concentrate at school. My...

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Its been a while,

So to catch up, I'm 10 weeks pregnant and couldn't be more surprised as to how easy it's been, besides the hunger and exhaustion. But surprisingly,...

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My Other Mother

My Other Mother

Beautiful poem “My Other Mother” written by Diane about her lifelong journey of adoption and the path to her Other Mother.

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Contact Sofia
Stand Up Guy Zone
standupgirl free video lessons on child birth and parenting