Featured Letters
Sophmore In College
Dear Becky, I have been coming to your site a lot recently, looking for answers and encouragement. Sometimes I think I know what I should do, and at other times, I'm still at a complete loss. Here's the situation: I am currently 10 weeks pregnant. I am a sophomore in...
I Had To Feel That Way
I was so scared because I had a feeling already but i had been denying it for about two weeks. And finally my reality hit me in the gut. I watched the test read the first line, and then the second. I checked the box so many times because I thought for sure it was a...
But That Little Pink Line
I stared at the little pink line as I sat on the bathroom counter. No, I thought. No, this isn't happening. I'm going to wake up right now and I'm going to live the rest of my life. Needless to say, I broke into tears. I didn't wake up. This was real. I was sixteen...
He Would Support My Decision
Dear Becky -- One month after my 17th birthday, I found out I was pregnant. I had suspected I was but on May 4th, 2005, I knew for sure. I told my boyfriend and he was scared and worried about the future. He told me that he would support any decision that I made....
Hopeless Romantic
Dear Becky, I'm so encouraged and almost in tears by your site. Reading everyone's stories and just wishing that something like this was around when I was in high school. Here is my story. I met my first boyfriend when I was 15 years old and I was a hopeless...
I Knew There Was Something Wrong
Dear Becky, I just recently found this website and wanted to share my story. My ex. boyfriend Rich and I, were going out for 2 years. It was a bad relationship, very violent and one sided but we made it to the 2 year mark! On our 2 year anniversary is when I think I...
The Doctor Couldn’t Help Me – I Had To Decide
Dear Becky -- On February 26th, 2006 I was in a really bad car accident. I was life-flighted to Childrens Hospital where I stayed for 2 1/2 weeks. I lost mobility in my left arm. I can only move my fingers and wrist. After almost 3 months of physical therapy, my...
Hard To Back Up What I Believe
When I was 18 the summer before I was to start school for Pre-med I met my future husband and before we got married I became pregnant. It was the beginning of the semester when I found out. I was excited and I had already adopted his son so I thought this would be...