Here We Go Again

Hey Ya’ll! It’s Been Wayyy Too Long….Sooo Much Has Happened The Past Year Or So…Cayden’s Dad, Chris, Is Checking Into Rehab Tomorrow For The Second Time. I Hope And Pray He Can Actually Stay For A While This Time. I Might Be Pregnany Again…I’m Scared But Excited..Like I Almost Want Another Baby..Is That Bad?..It’s Selfish I Know…I Graduate June ’12 With A Certificate For  Administrative Assistant & If I’m Not Pregnant Than I Will Go On To Get My AA..Chris Is Supposed To Be In Rehab For 1 Year…I Dk…It’s Been A Crazy Year..A Crazy Two Years…My Parents Are Going To Hate Me Even More Than The First Time If I Am Pregnant Now…Again…Guess We’ll See What Happens The Next Few Weeks..I’ll Keep Ya’ll Updated 🙂

My pregnancy and babies

Hey guys, it’s been a while 😀

Well right now I am 31 weeks pregnant with my baby………. GIRL!
I’m so excited, but absolutely terrified. They’ve told me I have a high chance of pre-eclampsia since I had my second baby so early because of it last time.

The kids are really looking forward to having this baby. My boy keeps suggesting names of people at his nursery which I think is real sweet. My little girl’s not really said a lot about it, but she kisses my belly every time she goes to bed so I’m taking it as a good sign.

I think that I’ve decided on the name Esme Jade for her, but closely followed is Genevieve Julianna which I adore, but the baby’s daddy really isn’t keen on. I’ll end up getting my way though more than likely!

I’ve finally got back with my boyfriend after almost a year of being ‘apart’, but I still saw him every day so it didn’t make much difference. He’s moved back in and I’m just generally quite busy running the club that he owns. No such thing as a quiet pregnancy in my house!

I’m just terrified of having her early, There’s about a 70 % chance of me getting it according to my checkup, but only around a 20% chance of her being born premature which is my biggest fear. I nearly lost my other girl and I don’t really want to go through all that pain again, especially with looking after two babies this time.

But all in all, I’m so excited 😀

Uh-oh… my light blew…

My boyfriend came home from his friend’s house in Massachusetts tonight.

Good? Eh, no. We’ve been fighting, a lot.

Anyway, I came up with this nifty little line thinking about how amazing life is.

“The bulb is burned out. Maybe I should turn off the switch and quit waiting for a spark.”

The bulb, being the love between me and my boyfriend. The spark, being that metaphorical spark of love you’re supposed to feel. And finally, the switch represents me trying when it not going anywhere.

Why have the switch on when there’s nothing on the other end of it?

I’m a genius… But really, my relationship is going down the pooper. I’m more than prepared for it to crack… I’ve even tried to explain to him, ‘Hello, we’re going to break up! Am I the only one who sees this?!?!’ Apparently, yes I am.

I can tell the rest of our time together is going to go great.

On a positive(ish)note, I’m just over 30 weeks pregnant today! Start the countdown!

Pregnant after abortion

Hi Girls, I want to put myself out there. Let me start by saying in April, I was found pregnant after I had a miscarriage. I was forced by my boyfriend to have an abortion. I probably can’t say forced as it was a choice I had to make, but I’m sure you understand.

Well in August, I found out I was pregnant again and it was the whole scenario all over again except this time I took my stand. I’m 12 weeks pregnant today with a baby boy and the father is the same guy as before ( keep in mind we have been together for 5 years). He is still around. I gave him a choice knowing that he might leave and I’d have to do all this alone…

He stuck around and has gotten used to the idea…

I know right I’m supposed to be happy. Don’t get me wrong, I love my little baby boy and he’s growing so quickly and God gave me a second chance, but I feel so sad and depressed.


And any girls going through a tough choice to make, please, I’m here for you too… I’ll give you all the support I can!!!!!

“Women are stronger than anyone can imagine.”

8th Grade to Highschool, What Happened?

Last year in 8th grade, I thought I’d be the one to go through my whole high school years without making this mistake. Now I know that things don’t always go the way as planned! I have lived in this small town since I was a baby, moving away for a year or two a couple of times,

But something always made me want to come back. At the beginning of this year, I started high school at LHS. Then I got sick and missed too many days so I was kicked out. I was forced to go back to BHS. That same day I returned, I met up with one of my ex’s. He wanted me back, but I said I wasn’t looking for someone who just wanted sex. I went walking with him to the park after school. That was mistake #1. I gave in to him after a while when he took me to that stupid abandoned house. That was my 2nd mistake, but the one that I will forever regret was not having sex and getting pregnant, but believing him when he said he loved me, cause the whole time I took him back, he cheated on me! I guess the point of me writing this today is not to tell my story, but to ask a question.

What happened to all of us from middle school? Why did we give in to men? We don’t need them, but I guess some of us think we do? From 8th grade to high school, what happened? We don’t even talk anymore since I told him I was pregnant, and he doesn’t want anything to do with his baby, but I hope he comes around. I don’t want to be the one to tell my child why his daddy doesn’t love him, or want anything to do with him!

Do i tell her or keep it to myself?…

So here’s the thing.

My mum and I ALWAYS used to argue. Ever since she found out I was pregnant, she’s been helping me out rather a lot, and the arguing has stopped. She’s been absolutely wonderful; buying bodysuits, baby bath and Johnson’s new baby package. However, the downside, she keeps taking over. I say a baby name, she hates it, but then she will say the exact name a few days later (for example. Alisha – Ooh I like the name Alisha and I’d be like ”Mum I said that to you the other day and you said you hated it’)’. It’s really confusing!! She also wants me to use Terry nappies but they are so old-fashioned and I just want my baby to have what I want them to have, if that makes sense? She won’t even let me and my fiancé sleep in the same bed, knowing I’m having his baby. I don’t know whether to just do as she says for respect, but we’ve decided to go away for my birthday on the 21st of Oct, but how do I tell her to calm down and back off a bit?

I duno whether it’s just me being silly…