I’m Just A Kid Myself

 Dear Lisa– Hi my name is Emily and I am 17. I found out I was pregnant in August. I had the feeling I was anyways, but I just didn’t want to believe it. I thought everyone would just be so mad at me.

My boyfriend told me to tell my parents before I even took a test or anything. He said he just knew I was and he wanted us to tell our parents. He wanted to tell his alone but I ended up convincing him to let me be with him to tell them. I thought they would freak out but I was wrong.


He Wouldn’t Help Me

 DearLisa— Just today I found today this web site and I love it. It made me feel like I wasn’t the only one going throught all this. Abortion was something I never could talk about, I knew my friends weren’t going to understand so I never told them. I really could relate to some of the stories told, and it made me so much better knowing that I’m not the only one going through all this.


An Act Of God

Dear Becky — Hi. I just want to say that you have such a wonderful site! It has certainly changed my view of pregnancy. By reading and crying through these wonderful, yet sometimes horrifying and scary, real life stories, I’ve decided to try and keep my baby. I am just like all the girls here – not married, pregnant, scared. However, I am older than most. I am 23 and have a college degree. I am currently working on my Master’s degree


Stats And Me

I am currently doing a research paper on teen pregnancy. To read the statistics and see how many odds are against me is some what depressing. I read somewhere that babies of teen mothers are more likely to be low birth weight and unhealthy than those born to older mothers.

Well I would just like to say…


Brave Sinead

Hey friends, I am a 23 year old young lady, today i did the bravest and most exciting thing i think i have ever done.

here goes.. I have been in a steady and I thought loving relationship for just over two years. The man in question promised me he would always be here for me and i should tell him anything because he loved me.after a year and a half i became tired of the way our relationship was heading he had been acting in an uncaring manner toward me on occasions but after a month of being broken up (during which time he texted and called me constantly asking for another chance) I decided he could have had a change of heart and i desperatley loved him and wanted to be together.since the reunion he seemed to have changed but the cracks soon began to show.Two weeks ago i found out I was pregnant.I thought long and hard about it and decided to tell him and we would work out a solution together.How wrong I was. All I hoped for was a loving cuddle and a promise of support, instead the first thing he announced was”well, its not mine!” how ridiculous I am a faithful girlfriend and dont believe in cheating.


A Budding Ballerina

Dear Becky — From the time I was 8 I’d been going to a boarding school for ballerina’s. By the time I was 13 I’d grown to be more mature then most, also having little to no supervision didn’t really help either. I lived in a co-ed dorm hall so there were guys around ALL OF THE TIME. My best friend Hayden lived next door to me, so we were really close. One night we were at a party after a show and we were really drunk and we had unprotected sex. Funny enough, I should have learned my lesson there when I didn’t get pregnant. But we were dumb and did it again, and again, it sorta became our after-show ritual. Nothing ever happened, so we assumed it was ok. Until one day I started getting sick. I assumed it was the flu. I didn’t mind because it helped me keep my weight down. It went on for about a month until I realized something was wrong. The school doctor didn’t think anything of it, so they had a drier take me to a local doctor. He asked me if I had been sexually active and I lied and said no, because I was kinda embarrassed. He did a bunch of tests but I didn’t know what they were for. Then a while later he came back in and said “so are you sure your not sexually active? Because if not it looks like we’re in for a virgin birth.” I didn’t know what to say! It took me a minute to realize that I was pregnant.
