It all started in November… My boyfriend and I were having sex. We didn’t know the condom broke… And after that, I never ended up pregnant. and so we never used condoms… In August. I started my period… Then September came, no period. In October, I had a normal period… Before I started my period, I took a ClearBlue home pregnancy test. And it came up with the words PREGNANT… I was at my friend’s house when I took the test. I was so in shock. I finally told my boyfriend after that… The next day, after I told him, he found a job. His job just ended on Monday… And he is 18. I’m 16. I’m finishing school. My boyfriend never did finish high school… And just this month in November, I took 2 tests. I think I didn’t do them right because they said Not Pregnant. So I have told my parents, but I have bigger and softer boobs… They are tender. And I have been puking. I have been having lots of headaches, and I barely get backaches… I never did end up pregnant from November till August of the next year. My boyfriend wants to have a baby. I do too. Just that I’m adopted. My mother was my age when she was pregnant and she kept having babies throughout high school. My stepmom said a long time ago that IF I get pregnant, she’s not gonna support me… I don’t think I need her support anyway. My boyfriend supports me 100%. He buys me food, clothes, anything I want to make me happy. He even has his own place. I would be OKAY if I get kicked out of my step-parents… My stepdad made me apply for a boarding school in September I think… I hope I don’t get accepted though because I love my boyfriend and don’t want to leave… And here’s the best part… MY PARENTS DON’T WANT ME HAVING A BOYFRIEND so they don’t know I have been dating the same boy for about 3 years. And my real mother knows I have a boyfriend. Just gonna be scared telling my step-parents. đ
I had an abortion a few months ago and I can relate to many of the girls/women on here. I’m 17 years old and got pregnant by a guy that’s in his 20s. A combination of irresponsibility and plain bad luck caused the pregnancy. When we found out that I was pregnant, we initially decided that I would get an abortion, despite our religious beliefs against it. But as time went on, I realized that it was the wrong decision. God could get me through the situation if I decided to have the baby. From that moment, I made a plan for my life that would accommodate me raising my child, completing high school, and going to university. I knew it would be hard, but I also knew that it was possible. I hadn’t yet told anyone in my family because I was indecisive about my decision, and I knew that if I told them, they wouldn’t let me have the abortion. I tried to seek guidance from friends and many of them told me that I should keep the baby. In the end, I listened to my partner, and when I was 8 weeks pregnant, we went together and I had the abortion.
I thought I would be okay after I did it, but I’ve kind of been a mess ever since. I still haven’t told my family because I’m scared of what they’d say. So I’ve been handling the situation by internalizing it. I can’t talk to my friends about it because they don’t understand, neither do I think that they really care. I think they think that I should get over it and move on because I made the choice to abort the child. I also can’t talk to my partner about it because he wants to hear nothing of the subject.
A day or two after the abortion, I spent a lot of my time crying. I cried at the sight of a baby, when I saw young mothers, and sometimes just at the thought of what happened. It’s been about 4 months since that, and I cry about once a week. I always imagine what my baby would have looked like, the type of life it would’ve had, and whether I would have regretted having it.
To any young girl that’s pregnant, do what YOU believe is right. Ultimately, you have to live with the consequences of your decision. For any of you, like me, who have Christian values, take this as a lesson learnt, and live the life that God wants you to live. I wish everyone who reads this the best of luck.
It takes a lot of energy to not think of you, to force myself not to feel the flicker of my heart as it beats for you. The painful wrenching as I tear your heavy presence out of my very soul. The taste of your lips still haunts me, the touch of your skin, the very essence that makes you whole. I can’t feel this way anymore. I’ve been running, pretending that I don’t still love you. I can’t admit those three words ever again. They were my greatest downfall. And yet they gave me the greatest gift you could have ever offered me. better than a ring. Worth more than any priceless diamond.
It’s a lie I tell the world, that I don’t love you. That I don’t long to have you hold me in your arms. Sometimes, I feel as though I am walking around naked, and everywhere that you had once touched, kissed, and caressed is stained a bright red, your personal scarlet letter branded on my body. I quiver at the mention of your name. My face flushes and blushes, from the top of my head to the tip of my toes I tingle with delight. Why can’t I see you? Here? Tonight?
I want you. I need you. I love you.
Muttered words I barely mention in one single breath, words I want to shout to the rooftops but I can’t. You won’t let me. Society won’t let me. It hurts. It burns. It kills me that I can’t have you. I lie to you. To me. I tell myself we can never be. That we “will” never be.
Because I am afraid.
Afraid that if we “were” to ever really be together, then we’d be so happy that many would try and bring us down. That know and understand a love like ours. I doubt myself with these thoughts, feeling that these emotions are just figments of my wild imagination. That you never truly loved me. That you never will. I prepare my heart day in and day out. By now, it is a soldier and has well earned its “stripes”.
I want to stop the ringing in my ears. I want to scream just so I won’t hear those thoughts, those jumbled words. Anything to help me from thinking about your face.
So I am new to this and I am not sure exactly what to say. I am sixteen years old and right now, I am almost 4 1/2 months along. I don’t have a problem with a good support system, because I have one of the best support systems with my family. I don’t talk to many people outside of my family. My sisters and my mom are my best friends and yes, I can tell them anything and everything; I just feel like they wouldn’t understand how I feel or know what to say because they don’t know what it is like to be sixteen and pregnant. My boyfriend is really great, supportive, and here for me. We are living together now at my parent’s house. Since I found out I was pregnant, he and I have been bumping heads a lot. We had only been dating for three months when I found out I was pregnant, so I guess us not knowing everything about each other has made it harder. I do love him with all my heart, but being pregnant with all my hormones, I have so many different emotions and feelings toward him. I just want someone to talk to, who understands what I am going through…
I am new to this website and first things first: my fiancĂ© and I are having a baby. We are scared, but excited at the same time. I am just overwhelmed because of the different emotions I am experiencing. I hate getting mad at my fiancĂ©, for little things (sometimes nothing at all). We found out that I was pregnant on September 10th. That was a rough day to find out because my older brother was going through some complications with his ex-girlfriend, who also had a son, and my mom was/is putting pressure on the two of us. After over a month later, I still haven’t come to terms to tell her. When I was about to after spending the weekend with my older sister, she found out that she was pregnant too. She immediately told our mother which also caused some stress. Once again, my mother expected the best out of me and I just almost started crying, breaking down. I am keeping this secret away from my sister because she had a miscarriage last October. I feel as if she would hate me and be mad at me if she ever knew. My stepbrother’s girlfriend is pregnant and it took Allie, my sister, almost five months to be okay with it. I know I need the proper care. My fiancĂ©’s friend had found a place in a nearby town called Heart Beat that is completely confidential and offers almost everything for free. If I attend meetings, I will be able to receive baby clothes, maternity clothes, and even a free car seat or crib. I have no idea how to break it to my mother or stepfather, but my fiancĂ© and I agreed to try and put it off as long as possible.
My son was 6 months old last week. So he was due for 6-month checkups. He had an appointment with the midwife this morning, just for general checks. Everything was great, he’s now 14 lbs. 4 oz…that’s 12 lbs. 2 oz heavier than what he was when he was born. It was amazing, I’m a happy mommy!
We went into town and had some lunch after, to celebrate I guess. He even had a few chips and a bit of chocolate. He made such a mess.
Then we had to head up to the NICU to meet with the neonatologist, and it brought back horrible memories. We were early, but the nurses let us in so they could have a cuddle with my son and just catch up. They’ve helped us through a lot. It was nice seeing the ones who saved and looked after my baby boy. Â It was time for our appointment. He stripped my son down, to check for growths/tumors. He also looked at his previous scan results and said that his general health was marvelous. He weighed and measured him, perfect size…He’s average for a 5-6 month little boy. He’s still a little behind with his eating, but he’s catching up. He also checked his development, such as if he’s sitting up, lifting his head, rolling over, etc. Which he is, so that’s great. He had no concern at all. I was so relieved, I had horrible visions of my son having to stay under his care and having to visit once a month forever. But nope, although he did advise us to check back again in another 6 months, he said just to check his development for one last time. But overall, my son is finally healthy and eventually discharged for his neonatologist care. Yay!
My son’s in his bouncer whilst my boyfriend feeds him; sweet potato and leek pie…baby food obviously. It doesn’t smell too good. Â But he seems to be enjoying it, almost ate a whole jar and I expect he’ll be after a yogurt once he finished.
I can’t believe I’m a mommy. It’s just so unreal. I’m not even 16 yet, and I have a family. It’s super exciting though. I’m so lucky to have my boyfriend still by my side, both families, and a perfect, healthy son!