It all started……
It all started in November 2011… me and my boyfriend were having sex. we didnt know the condom broke.. and all after that i never ended up pregnant. and so we never used condoms.. In August. i started my period.. then september came. no period, October i had a normal period..  before i started my […]

It all started in November 2011… me and my boyfriend were having sex. we didnt know the condom broke.. and all after that i never ended up pregnant. and so we never used condoms.. In August. i started my period.. then september came. no period, October i had a normal period..  before i started my period i took a ClearBlue home pregnancy test. and it came up with the words PREGNANT.. i was at my friends house when i took the test. i was so in shock. i finally told my bf after that…. the next day .after i told him. he found a job. his job just ended on monday… and hes 18, im 16 im finishing school. my never did finish highschool.. and just this month in November i took 2 test. i think i didnt do them right because they said Not Pregnant. so i have told my parents. but i have bigger and soofter boobs.. they are tender. and i been puking, i been having lots of headaches, and i barely get  backaches.. i never did end up pregnant from November 2011 tell August 2012. My boyfriend wants too have the baby. i do too. just that im adopted. my mother was my age when she was pregnant and she kept having babies throughout her high school. My step mom said long time ago is IF i get pregnant shes not gonna support me… i dont think i need her support anyway. my boyfriend supports me 100% he buys me food, clothes, anything i want. to make me happy. He even has his own place. I would be OKAY if i get kicked out of my step parents… my step dad made me apply for a boarding school in the September i think.. i hope i dont get accepted thou, because i love my boyfriend that i dont want too leave.. and heres the best part…. PARENTs DONT WANT ME HAVING A BOYFRIEND so they dont know i been dating the same boy for about 3 years. and my real mother knows i have a boyfriend. just gonna be scared telling my step parents. 🙁

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