It’s a scary thing, finding out I’m seventeen and pregnant.
Sure I’ve seen my friends have their babies and I’ve told them how cute they are, and of course I’ve watched the show, saying ahh at the cute parts and feeling sad during their struggles… But now it’s me. Now it’s me with two hearts beating inside of one body. Me who’s tired, and sluggish, and hungry, really hungry. All my plans, all my dreams, they are now being rearranged because I’m not just taking care of me now. And it’s exciting as well as terrifying, but abortion isn’t an option for me. I’ve always said I am pro-choice, but my choice is to keep the beautiful baby inside of me. I know most people say that teen pregnancies are a sin and that me and my boyfriend are too young to be in love, we won’t make it. But I know him, and I know I can’t tell the future but I do know that no matter where life takes us, he’s going to be there for his baby girl or boy.
Ugh, I’m filled with mixed emotions and questions and anxiety.
I am a 15 year old.
Okay, so what happened is my boyfriend of two years asked me for a hand job so I started and didn’t wanna finish and so he finished himself, then he fingered me and we didn’t think about cum being all over his hand. Now it’s time for my period and I’m just having like a light spotting. I’m scared to death. My parents are really strict and are gonna think I’m lying about now having sex. like they are very against teen pregnancy. So I don’t know how to tell them or how to handle this I mean they are so strict they won’t even let me watch Teen Mom on MTV.
Help me, please. I have a lot of symptoms except for throwing up, please any advice on telling my parents and everything please tell me 🙁
I’m 16 and my daughter will be a month old tomorrow. I have had horrible thoughts of hurting her and I’ve been getting really frustrated with her a lot where I start yelling and crying while she cries. I’m scared for both of us. I’ve had a history of depression since I was 12 and anxiety/OCD problems as well.
I love my daughter so much and I thought I would just struggle financially. It’s the opposite. I have a place to live, we have food, we have money and we have clothing. I’m in school and I have all the love I need. So why do I feel like this?
To be honest, I have hurt her already. I pinched her and forced the bottle in her mouth and I just want help before it gets worse. I don’t want to hurt her. I love her so much. I don’t even realize what I’m doing until after. I figured this was the only place I could go to for help at first. I’ve tried talking to friends and family, but they just scolded me and called me a bad mom and an abuser.
I have feelings of putting her up for adoption, leaving her, not feeding her, and leaving her dirty diaper on yet I would never do these things. She is the light of my life and after I freaked out this morning, I just picked her back up, hugged her close, and started crying.
I need help. Where do I turn to?
Well, my husband is gone for training and will not return home until Tuesday. I have just finished dinner with my boys and put my daughter in her bouncer. The boys are watching a movie while I check up on some things online. It has been a very rowdy 2 weeks and this mom is ready for a break. After the movie, it will be the same as every other night, bath time for the boys while I feed her then read books, brush teeth, say prayers, pick out a night-night movie, and tuck them in. After all that, bathe the baby and get her off to bed so I can hopefully have at least an hour without kids.
Sounds so terrible, but when my husband has to leave for training, I’m fine for the first 10 days, but then I get upset and tired because taking care of 3 kids 24 hours a day alone is very exhausting, and requires a break every once in a while. I love them all dearly but I am so ready for my husband to get home and help out again. The good thing about the weekend is not getting up at 6 am and making breakfast, packing lunches, getting bookbags ready, and zipping out the door to catch the bus. Instead, it’s sleeping in till 8 and then making breakfast and relaxing with my kids. I love them so much.
I guess the real reason I feel the need to vent via blog is because it might not be 3 kids for long as I just took a pregnancy test this morning and much to my surprise, I saw 2 little pink lines. Crazy as it seems I have an 8 and 5-year-old as well as a 5-month-old baby. So a new baby is going to be a challenge. All my kids are a good 3 to 5 years apart in age, but if I am pregnant again, Olivia and this new baby will only be 1 year and a few months apart. So as soon as she gets over being a baby and moves into being a toddler, I will have another little one. There is something to be said about babies. I love them very much so. I forgot how much I missed having one as it has been 5 years. Now I remember and it’s not so bad. We did want 5 children before we were 30 so I guess if I am pregnant, we will have 7 years to have the last.
This is going to be a bright thing for us I can feel it.
So my story begins when I moved to a new city and transferred to a new school.
This school isn’t the best one out there. I was one of few white people, which wasn’t a problem, just a different environment for me. I was a freshman and I met this boy, he was a sophomore. When I met him, I asked if he did any drugs or was a virgin or not. He said no and yes to the virgin. I eventually found out that he lied about drugs when he came to school high on weed and I tasted it on his lips. And me, having trouble with men my entire life, I clung to him anyway. One night, I asked him to promise me to never pressure me into having sex, he did. The next day, I went to his house, alone. (I don’t know how I got away with any of this!) And we ended up having sex. It wasn’t completely his fault, or mine. It was both of us. But after that, it just got out of control. I ended up smoking weed with him. My life was a mess and I couldn’t even see it.
When my dad went to prison, it got even worse. we were on and off from February to June. On the last day of school, I was high and went to his house and he and I ended up having sex. I got caught trying to sleep over so I was grounded from everything. When I missed my period, I told my mom everything. Thinking that she would understand because she got pregnant at 17. But no, I was wrong. A lot of stuff went down, but what basically happened when I told him and his mom, they all wanted me to get an abortion. Nobody wanted my baby except for me. And what I thought was an appointment with my doctor to check the baby, was actually a meeting at the abortion clinic. I went through with it because I couldn’t take care of my baby all by myself and he didn’t deserve the kind of life I’ve had.
I have had postpartum depression for months. I want to cry every time someone talks about a baby. My sister had her baby exactly nine months from the day I got pregnant. It killed me. I haven’t had any contact with him since I moved away so that I could start a new year with nobody knowing anything about my past. Not a single person knows about the pregnancy or drinking and drugs in my new town. I feel horrible about my decision. I always replay the event when the abortion lady asked if I was being forced to do this and I said no.
That’s my story.
Word got back to me that I am not taking care of my kids Properly. They said I don’t care anything for them or my boyfriend so here it is.
I love him to death, but death is not enough when it comes to my kids. I would do anything for him, but I would go to the Extreme for my kids. If something were to happen to him, I would be devastated. But if something were to happen to my kids, the world would be devastated. What I would do for him, you can’t even imagine. What I would do for my kids, there aren’t enough words that I know of. How could I feel love and go all out the way for someone who has hurt me? My answer: oh that’s easy because he has given me 3 wonderful kids and I fell in love 3 times after he hurt me.
I know my kids could never leave me because they are counting on me to keep them safe, warm, and loved.