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  • in reply to: finally know what my twins are #21534

    Congratualtions =] xx

    in reply to: breech question #20428

    My baby brother was breech but turned around eventually and he came out naturally in the end x

    in reply to: might be a mommie need advice #20374

    Well it sounds like theres a chance you could be pregnant, but you’ll know if you take a test. If you still need satisfaction then go to your local doctors, they can help you and tell you your options of what to do next xxx

    in reply to: I ALWaYs lIvEd IN A DrAmA pT2 #20353

    Well darling, I think you need to do some serious thinking and make a decision you are going to stick with. You need security for you and your baby girl. Especially if the babies dad is going to be like that with you just make the right decision for yourself and how you feel. I hope everything is ok and try to look forward to your future xx

    in reply to: Juno #20347

    I watched it the other day and I thought it was a good story line with the adoption and that it not only highlighted teenage pregnancy but the desperateness for the woman to have a baby. There are so many couples who want babies that can’t produce their own and women need to be educated so that they understand that abortion is not the answer. I though for a comedy it wasn’t as funny as I imagined but was very funny in some certain places x

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