Forum Replies Created
Participanthuni, im sorry for all this it must be real hard on u!!!
Di u miss her any? xTylers_mummy
Participantthat peom made me cry wen i first read it, must be the hoermones, bu it is reall touching!
Participantaww huni, im glad u did what u new was rite. . . x
Participanti know the feeling, well i dont have the fustration of the dad not helping cuz we split up before Tyler was born, he hasnt seen him or even attempted to be apart of his life!!, he was cheating on me before we split an got the girl pregnant so i think hes pretending my little boy dont exist!! I think u should tell him he either gives a 100% or nothing an let u raise the baby to the best of ur ability, u dont need him 2 confuse u an ur baby xx
ParticipantYh i felt sick an all that b4 i could take a test. . .so u could be pregnant but the only way ur gonna find out is by taking a test babe!!
Wish u luck xxx
ParticipantJust wanna wish u luck in trying for your baby and things turn out the way you want xxx
ParticipantI dont think ur being selfish huni, ur baby grew wings because maby the time wasnt right for him/her to be in this world. Ur ok to have the feelings you do you wouldent be human without them.
Try again for another baby, bu remember the baby chooses when the time is right to come. .I wish you all the luck in the world an hope everything goes the way you want it to xxx
ParticipantI think you should go to the doctors huni, cuz wen stuff like this happens u cn never know whats causing it. I wish u luck and hope everything is ok. 🙂
ParticipantWell all i can say is the only ay you can be sure is to take a pregnancy test. . . the symptoms ur having could be just the fact you know they are what happen when ur pregnant so ur mind makes them real, i had it so much lol. . . . Good luck and i hope the result is what u want xx
ParticipantI just whant to wish u all the luck in the world for a smooth labour huni xxx