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  • in reply to: my choice was abortion #25790

    hi gabby, i was touch by your story, i had abortion on 30/6/2007 i was 6wks pregnant and 21 year old and my mother made me get one 2, she threat take away my four year old daughter katie who was 2 at the time and it was worst mistake of my life i still fink my wee angel, and now i found im pregnant again due in dec 09 and my mum tried to get me have ano abortion told me she gave me money do go over england again, but i refused and she would talk to me luck for me she lives in spain now but i would never put myself through that never again and found out im expecting a boy , i know you feel guilty but not you fault and enjoy this pregnancy hun and good luck with your baby girl your make a good mum 🙂

    in reply to: lied about abortion #25789

    hi, i had a friend like that , i told her i had abortion june 2007 and coming up to the date a year later she pretended she had 1 and made it public put it on her homepage ano trying make people feel sorry for her and now i found out i was pregnant again and instead being happy for me she pretend she was and then she losed it, i just cut her outta my life because she a attention seeker and already had a son who i feel sorry for coz she sleeps around alot and he calls each 1 daddy your friend sounds just like her and going through abortion is really hard choice for people make up they been there she just really sad and your prob be better off not having her as one

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