When i found out i was pregnant i was 18. Now im 19 and i have a beautiful baby boy. My mom doesnt allow my boyfriend over and i cant picture that changing anytime soon. I think its good that you followed how you felt, and that your sticking to your decision. Nobody has the right to take that from you. You have to follow your heart, because your not a litle girl anymore, you have a family to take care of. Check into all of the state assistance programs, they really help way more than you think. theyll give the baby and yourself health isurance, formula, food, milk, bread, help with diapers, and alot more.
Also i think you should try to go back to school.(if at all posssible) realize, its not just your life, its your babys too. the better you do for yourself, the more of a chance you have to better your babys life.
I hope everything gets better for you, think happy thoughts, youll be holding your baby soon enough, and everything wil be okay