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Participanthey hun. i just had a miscarriage. are u bleeding at all? id say go to emergency and get it checked out to make sure. i was havingcramps like period pain but ten times worse and also lost alot of blood. go to hospital asap. x good luck
ParticipantI think that is beautiful i write to my baby all the time. i got a tattoo aswell for my baby. its a butterfly with two hands setting it free
Participanthey, i too had an abortion almost a year ago. you never forget them. i understand what u mean about u only want that baby. not another one i feel the same.
i break down and cry all the time. it doesnt ever get easier. i think the key is to let the baby go. but yet i still havent been able to either. i hold on to the ultra sound photo and my abortion info. its all ive got, without it it would be like my baby never existed.
i’m living my life now for my baby in heaven. im doing things like going back to school for my baby. to prove that i wouldve done it if they were here with me. i think all we can do is know that no matter what that child will always be our first. i like to believe i have an angel with me wherever i go.
Dont forget its ok to cry. we’ve suffered a loss no one could no about unless it happened so dont listen to people when they say it was the right thing, cause only you know what the right thing was.
x x feel free to mesage me anytime.
Participantsweetie im not going to lie to you it wont get better but it will be okay.
I too had an abortion based on other peoples opinions my baby would’ve been two months old. and i too hate myself. all i can say is NEVER EVER listen to other people again. you listen to your heart and your heart only
i feel my baby around me. it helps me to talk to her. i like to think it does anyway. you should try it.
i believe my baby has forgiven me, but when i have my break downs i still get worried that my baby hates her mum for what i did.
talk to me anytime sweet x x