Girl you are too right about that!! I was 13 when I got pregnant!! I heard so many things!!
-What is a 13 yr old doing pregnant?? Why she even having sex!!
-People call me all kinds of names..but I got pregnant the first time I had sex!!
Kids at my school have sex all the time but I’m the ho cause I got pregnant!!
I hate when people assume cause you are young thats TOO young to be a mom!! Sometimes it’s a struggle, but for the most part I live fine with my daughter!! I don’t know every teenage mother’s story but mine is simple!! I love my baby and her daddy!! But it wouldn’t be possible without me mom!! If she wasn’t here I have NO clue where I would have been!! Sometimes I feel like saying,"If you don’t know shut up!" But I don’t!! Cause I, a 15 yr old mother, am the bigger person!! And that satisfies me!!