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Participanthey, I’m 19 too and 8months pregnant wit my 1st child. lets just say the road to where i am now has been so difficult and challenging for me. My baby’s father isn’t my boyfriend ,atleast not officially, and he was in a relationship while we were having sex… Though your boyfriend made a mistake in treating you the way he did, think about what’s best for your baby coz that is all that matters. I wish my baby daddy would be as supportive as your boyfrind is to you but you know what duzn’t kill us makes us stronger right? you have to move on before you drive him away with the hate you feel for him. you need to talk with him before you find yourself alone and scared girl… do it for your baby coz she/he deserves to have her/his father around. I hope my situation has given you insight on what to do and has helped you value what needs to be. take care and d the right thing.:)
ParticipantFirstly, dont let anyone define who you are.
I admire your courage and the support of your family, you were broughht up very well. About yor baby’s father, give him time, am sure he just need to be supported just as much as you do. I’m 19 and 33 weeks pregnant. My friends… well, don’t have them anymore but my family supports me no matter what. So keep your head up, it is at such moments we find who our friends really are. If you want to talk, don’t hesitate to get in touch.Ndanu
Participantgirl, its true you have to live with yourself forever… If your husband is threatening to leave you if you dont have the abortion then my dear truth be told, he does not love you the way you think he does. If he had any compassion for you, suggesting that would not even be anywhere near his mind and for a fact, he does not know you. keep your child… it is a blessing and you may be on the verge of a breakthrough.
ParticipantI respect the fact that you have come clean with yourself. As for your baby daddy (Glenn) it does not take a rocket scientist to see that he is feeling that he lost something wonderful when he had the chance to step up and provide for his family. I am 19 years old and my advice to you is to keep on with your boyfriend Matt, you will be suprised to see how much love he has for you and your son. He loves you genuinly and he wants you to be happy. The fact that Connor loves Matt too will later prove that he will not resent you for staying with him and I believe that if you still keep Glenn in Connor’s life he will not hate you. Stay with Matt.
Bless you.