my little secrets

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  • in reply to: Oh, the waiting!!!!!!! #18721
    my little secrets

    HUN TAKE A PREGNANCY TEST….i had all of thos signs when i WAS pregnant. good luck and keep me updated:)!!!!!

    in reply to: hmm… this is wird am i #13598
    my little secrets

    well…your probably pregers :laugh:
    i hope thats good news:unsure:
    well teke a test and good luck

    in reply to: Confused #13597
    my little secrets


    somtimes you might not just totaly miss your period it might just be lighter or last a few less days then normally,
    itsnot a sign of pregnancy but there still may be a chance you could be wait a week or so and then take a test.
    good luck.

    in reply to: 5 months delayed mens. 3 test negative pregnancy #13596
    my little secrets

    it isnt normal to skip your period for five months so eaither u could be pregnant or somthing is wrong. i would go to the docters asap to figure out whats happening to you.
    good luck:)

    in reply to: I NEED HELP BADLY PLEASE… #13595
    my little secrets

    you actually could be pregnant:blink:
    i suggest you maybe wait a week and take a test..
    good luck hunni im hear for u.

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