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MemberHi jean π
My name is Stephanie, I want to stop in and say YOU CAN DO IT! I know your scared, feel like you can’t do it, and afraid.. because I have been there! Have you gone and talked to someone in the foodstamps,wic, welfare, any of them can point you in the right direction to help you get support for you and your baby. You made the right choice hun. I know it didn’t seem like it right now but the day you are holding your little one in your arms you will feel a love no one can explain to you! Everything u do from now untill then may seem hard, impossible, and overwhelming but when that day comes you will be SO proud of yourself and you will look at your baby and be so greatfull that you did everything you could and desided to keep him/her. Do you have support from your family? I know the state will help you. With My first I had to get on foodstamps, welfare, and wic, you can also get housing assistance. yes I felt horrible for using state aid but I am so glad I did. My son is now 4 and I don’t regret Nything I did. Keep your head up and keep looking. Talk to everyone you know, and even people you don’t know you CAN do this! if you need anything just like meg said you can email me anytime!
MemberHey π
I totaly know where you are comming from! I had My first at 16 and have sence has two more. As they grow I sit here and think “maybe I want another” its a hanfull! I know My husband and I are in the same place. Life has been rocky to say the least. It’s SO hard with kids. You kind of have to put aside everything you want and worry about what’s best for them. If i could turn around I would wait for My youngest two honestly. I love them to death but I wish My husband and I had that time to work on us. Having more than one kid starts to make it a lot harder. And more stress on both of you which in no way helps with the relationship. My advice … Wait π see what he thinks about it. Pray A LOT … The last thing you want is to have a new baby and feel like your going to explode because you want a divorce. My son is 9 months and I’m in that spot.. I cry and get so mad at myself for putting my kids in a place where we are. I want out they need and want there dad. It’s so hard. If u have questions or want more details on My situation I would be glad to chat and share and maybe you can get somthing from it.. you can always email me even if u just need to vent π I totaly understand!momma_smith3
MemberYour so young hun! I don’t think you should do either. Honestly most doctors won’t even let you so either one of the two until you are a certain age. If I was you I would talk to my doctor. There are so many types of north controll. They even have ones you get and new have to worry about. If u could avoid getting pregnant for awhile in a few years you would still have the chance to try again. If you get your tubes tied or a hysterectomy you will NEVER be able to have kids again. What if in a few years you are happily married and u desided you want kids? You won’t be able to do that. If your scared you would lose another child you can talk to your doctor. They can help you get pregnant and everything once your older π what do the people in your support system think? What about your boyfriend? Talk to your doctor and get all the information you can! It’s a big decision!
When I was pregnant with my first we had a program similar to this. Being 16 I did not have money to buy everything baby needed and this was an amazing program. They not only did free diapers, you could save your “baby bucks” and buy car seats, cribs, clothing, bouncer, everything u could possibly need for baby! To this day I still have my crib. I saved all my baby bucks for 9 months and got an amazing wood crib π 4 years later and my third child is passed out asleep in it as I write this πmomma_smith3
MemberI started leaking right around 20 weeks, thought my dog was drooling on me but nope π I used cloth breast pads I found they were much softer and when I started breast feeding this was very handy since everything is a little sore. I suggest getting about 6 pairs, they are kinda spendy about 2 bucks a set but I use three sets a day and then washed them and used the other three. You can get them at babies r us, motherhood maternity (in my opinion they have the beat ones!), and sometimes I was able to snag them at target. Good luck!