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ParticipantI have to say that you are VERY brave. First, to be so young and not be scared of having sex. I was raped when I was 13. I was SCARED but I think I had a right. Anyway, Second, for going through with this! I found out I was pregnant at 15, had my little girl at 16, now I’m 17 and don’t regret any second. Since you have been brave this far, don’t stop now. You are amazing, and I think you need to know that! Good Luck!!
"I would rather be the wise owl than the pretty swan"
~*Lydia’s Mom*~
ParticipantYou really need to tell him ASAP. The only thing you are doing right now is hurting yourself and hurting your father. I didn’t tell my father until I was four months pregnant and it hurt him so bad because I was always daddy’s little girl, but I was scared of what he would say about it so I held it off longer than I should have. You really need to tell him.
ParticipantWhat you have been told is so true! What ever decision you make you have to have NO regrets about it. I truely believe that anyone can do it alone, it may take all you have, but you can do it. I’m 16 and I am 7 months pregnant. I’m not with my baby’s father anymore, but I’m not alone I chose to move on and not stay with him because of his attitude towards me and the way I was treated was not the way I wanted to be treated. I thought that if I stayed with him that things would get better but they only got worse. It’s ok now because no matter how many people tell you that no man will want a woman with kids is wrong because I told my boyfriend that I was pregnant and he said that is ok because he has a child of his own. He also calls my baby his because her father doesn’t want her. The only thing he said to me was "I can make another one." It hurts to know that your baby’s father doesn’t want his own, but knowing that people believe in you makes the pain go away. I have alot of people that believe in me and that what keeps me going. Anyway, what ever you decide to do, just remember you can’t have any regrets.
Love always,
~*Lydia’s Mom*~mexicanlover123
ParticipantI think you need to sit down and talk to the father of your baby. He helped make the child so therefore he is legally responsible for that child. But it did not ruin his life, because he help out with it. It is not a horrible thing, a child is a blessing from God. I’m 16 and pregnant too, it took me about a month to realize that a child is a real blessing. What ever you do, just think about it.
ParticipantI think you need to tell all of them the truth….I wasn’t scared to tell my boyfriend….I was scared to tell my mother…when I told her she was very disapointed in me…she told me I needed to quit school but that’s not a choice for me….I’m five weeks pregnant and proud of it….it’s an amazing thing…but I wish you the VERY BEST of luck….take care….
~*~ Me ~*~mexicanlover123
ParticipantI agree….my teacher always told us, "Argue for your limitations and surely they are yours"…..I think so many girls who get pregnant at a young age don’t think they can make anything of themselfs. I think that if you really want something…you can have it just put faith into it.