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ParticipantI say go for it! I had my daughter naturally, pretty much. Lol. I got an epidural but by the time he was finally able to get it in, I had fully dialated so it didnt kick in until after Id delivered her. Childbirth is painful, regardless if you take anything to help with the pain. So I say try it and if you have to get some pain relief, dont hate yourself for it. Even if my epidural had worked, I wouldnt feel robbed of the experience, like someone posted. Natural or not, youre still the same person bringing a life into this world. Of course, always talk with your dr to make sure circumstances will allow a natural childbirth. Good luck!
Participantif you havent gotten your period by now, i think you should see a dr and find out for sure if you are. depending on which tests youve been taking and if youve been doing them right, the results might be wrong. im pregnant with my 2nd child now and i took tests 1 and 2 weeks after my missed period and they both said negative. however when i went to the dr, they confirmed i was. so see a dr asap, especially since if you are, the first trimester is very important in the babys development. also, until youre able to confirm whether or not you are, do not drink, do drugs or anythings else that might be harmful to the baby.
ParticipantThe first trimester is very important in a baby’s development. So you need to see a dr asap. I myself didnt have insurance when I first found out I was pregnant but was able to apply and qualify for Medicare. They have a plan for women if youre pregnant. As far as your decision(keep/adopt/abort), its 100% your decision. Your bf may say he wont be ready but often times, once the baby is born, something just snaps in their head and theyre ready. Even if thats not the case, I can tell you from experience, your family will come around and you can do this without the support of the father if you have to. Your mom is mad now but all parents are upset/diaappointed to some degree but eventually get over it as well. Mine did and now they love their granddaughter so much. If you need to talk, just msg me. Good luck!