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  • in reply to: Overreaction? #22049

    Thanks for the tip about the yeast infection. Okay whether its pregnancy or something else, something weird is going on with my body. My breasts have never been this sore for this long in my life. My stomach has never cramped this bad. I had claw marks in my legs because i dug my nails into them from the cramps. And I never have bleeding this light. I was like YES i started tonight. Because I was supposed to start yesterday. But now I just feel more sick. I already have severe acid reflux and its worse. My sleeping pattern is WAY off. ALL i want is soup and ice cream. Usually about now I would want a three taco combo from taco bell. Or two roast beef sandwiches from arbys. But eeewwww. Just typing that makes me feel sick. And I swear yall I cant tell up from down as far as my body goes. I KNOW somethin is wrong. But idk what. If I started my period I cant be pregnant, well its not likely anyway. But it’s just plain weird. Usually I’m tired all the time. Right now, I’m goin and goin but once I fall asleep, buddy I’m out. Its not like the pregnancy symptoms because most of those are usual for me. It’s like the opposite. Like a body change. Is something wrong with me? I need advice ASAP. Thanks. God Bless <3

    in reply to: I think I might Be pregnant #22047

    Wow girl. This is rough stuff. And it happens. And for some reason it happened to you. Think about that. It happened to YOU. Not your mother, not your doctor, not your friends or family. So while I’m sire they want to help, maybe its not the best thing. You can live with rape just barely. And it will take time to get through this. But an abortion on top of that is even more. I mean adoption or other options are available. I agree with what everyone is saying here. Think of you and whats best for those babies. Pray. God is listening even if it doesnt feel like it. And remember it is not your fault. That is the most important thing. Why did this happen? I dont know, but I believe with my entire being that everything happens for a reason. Someday you will be able to help someone. This website is called stand up girl. Well what can I say? STAND UP GIRL. Do what YOU feel is right. God Bless <3

    in reply to: my symptoms, would like feedback #22046

    Well, at least the doctor will be able to tell you for sure. Until then I guess try to relax and get your mind on other things. which i know is hard because im afraid i might be pregnant too. but i cant wait to hear how it goes for you and if your not pregnant I STILL WANNA KNOW!!! and if your not, dont be down. theres always next time. Good luck. God Bless <3.

    P.S.--I've heard a lot of stories of women taking multiple pregnancy tests at home and them coming out negative and then goin to the doctors and endin up bein pregnant.

    in reply to: my symptoms, would like feedback #22019

    Yes. Actually, one of my best guy friends is almost 19 and just found out who he thought was his dad is not in fact his dad. There was a guy his mom had sex with once because she was mad at her husband. She has three children one has a different father and she thought that Josh and his brother had the same dad. Well the guy she had sex with kept saying “That is my son, I know that is my son.” she said this was impossible because she had her period after they had sex. Well they thought Josh had cancer and she did some thinking and had a DNA test done. The guy turned out to be his dad. He had even been to this guy’s house before and didnt know he was his father. He now knows he hasd three half sisters. Even though it’s kind of unlikely to be pregnant if you have heavy bleeding, it is possible. Plus it’s happened to you once, who says it wont be like that everytime. maybe your body is different. I would take a test. It could be wishful thinking or you could be pregnant. Good luck. God Bless <3

    in reply to: my symptoms, would like feedback #22000

    Well that sounds kind of like you might be. Because of the light spotting and the breast tenderness. And I mean it could be a wack period. I dont know if you spot like that sometimes when your on your period or what. But maybe you should try another pregnancy test. Like maybe wait a few days and take it when you first wake up so your urine is more concentrated. I hope everything turns out the way you hope. God Bless.

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