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ParticipantHoney, you are absoloutly right about this baby having no fault in this at all. The baby didn’t ask to be born. You are gifting him with life, and he diserves the best start to it possible. Weather you think that would be at your house or your boyfriends I don’t know? But from what I’ve read, it sounds to be at your boyfriends. You can’t stay and live on at your parents. Thats just crazy. You and this baby are going to need your space and sharing a room with your sisters as well as a new baby will DRIVE YOU INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well congratulatios and good luck. I’m 10 days overdue and hating it!!! Lets just cross our fingers and pray that you drop either before or right after your due date. :cheer:
ParticipantHey, I know it’s hard to tell them and may even seem a little scary but it’s something that has to be done. There is no perfect time to tell them this either, so the sooner the better. I’m 16 and pregnant (10 days overdue!!!!! :angry: ), and believe me I was scared to death of telling my parents. I was in for such a surprise though. When I finally told my mum I was so relieved that I had it off my cheast. I was about 8 weeks when I told her. As she had me at 16 her heart was set on me having an abortion. So when I didn’t get one she was really mad at me and she honestly didn’t talk to me for 2 months. But I knew she would come around as she knows what I’m going through. Now, she is over the moon that I’m having a baby. She’s here staying with me and my boyfriend for the birth. And I can’t believe it. You have to tell your parents. Theres gonna be no other way around it. As for the dad, these things happen all the time. And just because you don’t love him and he doesn’t love you doesn’t mean you will not love the baby. The baby will be just as special as it would be if you were 31, deeply in love and happily married. You have to do what feels right for you and it’ll all start to fall in place after your parents are awear of what’s going on.
Love meLOHO3
ParticipantHey mate I know it’s hard and confusing and everything just seems so sureal, but you better get your head aroung it a.s.a.p because believe me this baby will be here before you know it. And I know how you feel, I had a pregnancy scare at 13. thankfully thats all it was. A scare. I was so depressed when I thought I could have been. I was just way to young. I’m currently pregnant again at 16 (I’m 10 days overdue) and although it is still very young I feel so much better about it this time. I know it’s not gonna be easy, I know that I have no idea how hard it’s gonna be, but I’m prepaired for that – well, I hope I am anyway. I have an older boyfriend who has a good job and my family is very well off, so financially there won’t be any proberlms. I know I don’t know you from a bar of soap, but you have to ask yourself is it fair to bring this baby into the world? How well am I going to be able to be there emotionally and physically for this baby?Because this baby deserves the best, you know? It’s not asking to be born. And whatever you think your going through your girl is taking it 10000000000000times harder. Because although this is happening to the both of you, initally it’s her body it’s happening to so it’ll affect her many more ways. She probaly already has a very strong emotional attatchment to this little baby as it is growing in her. You need to be there for her, even just to listen to her. You can’t turn your back on her no matter what. She needs to know your there for her, even so more that you haven’t told your parents yet. And you know what, there is no perfect time to tell your parents something like this at such a young age. The sooner it’s out the better. Good luck mate, hope all goes well 🙂
ParticipantHoney, if you feel the right thing to do is to have this little baby, then have him. You are right, you do have a choice and at the end of the day, the choice is yours as is the baby. If your boyfriend wants to be an idiot and walk out on you and this little baby, let him. It’s his loss. He’ll be the one missing out, not you or the baby (well, the baby will be but would you rather he has a wanker dad that’ll hurt him emotionally all his life or not know his dad?). It’s your body and whatever happens to it is up to you. I know how you feel, I faced the same proberlm early in my pregnancy (I’m now a week overdue – and sick to death of it lol), and I decided to keep her. And I think it’s the best decission I’ve ever made to date because very soon I’ll be bringing someone into this world, someone that will love me more then any one else ever could. At first my boyfriend and no one else wanted me to have this baby as I’m only 16 but now everyone couldn’t be happier. I truly believe that if I had an abortion I’d be a right mess. You have to make this decission for you. No one else. Because if you do the wrong thing you will be the one to suffer, not your boyfriend. And trust me, how can the wrong thing be to bring a baby into this world?
Love me xxxxxLOHO3
ParticipantHe is not a man. He is not even worth worrying about, honestly. I’m 16 and 34 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend didn’t want this baby to begin with but he is overjoyed that we’re having a baby now. And you know what, maybe it would be best for your baby if you didn’t stay with the dad. Be happy that he doesn’t want to be with you cos honestly, my boyfriend and I have quite a un healthy relationship and at times I really think that it would be better for the baby if we wernt together. But what happends happens and you have to live as your life progresses. My advice is though, ditch him, who cares about him. He’s hopeless and he has proven that himself. One day he’ll live to regret walking out on his baby. Don’t try and force the baby upon him though. That won’t do any good, it will just make him resent the situation even more. Let him come round to it. Who knows, he may even warm to the idea of being a father again as all the sweet memories of his first chikd come back to him.
ParticipantYou are totally NOT being selfish!!! I’m 35 weeks pregnant at the moment, and 16, and my babys dad and I are still together, but for how much longer? He and I are constantly fighting and it’s horrible but at the moment theres nothing I can do about it, litterally. At least in your babys case it won’t be around all of that, you know? I believe that we are to have the kids that we have, and that baby is in you for a reason (as corny as it sounds). You know, at least you being 28 you have somewhere stable for your baby to live, your able to provide it with all the love and careing it’s gonna need – I’m not too sure I’m gonna be able to do that with my baby. Also it’s good he hasn’t said that he’s not gonna be there for you. At the beginning of my pregnancy my bf didn’t want this baby either but I did and I’m glad that I’ve kept her and so is he. As your pregnancy progresses he will warm to the idea of being a father. Trust me. 🙂