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ParticipantHey there, 2 years ago when i was 16 i had an abortion because i was forced into it, but it has been the bigest regret of my life since, now 2 years on im pregnant and in the most horrible situation one side of my family now hate me, the father hates me and is making life very difficult, but i think u should seriously think about it, u will always wonder what will of been. i can’t wait to be a mum and get the chances that were taken away from me before. x
ParticipantHi im a uk mummy to be im 18 and 9 and a half weeks pregnant. xx
i am 18 and just over 6 weeks pregnant, i am keeping the baby although me and the father are not together, the father is supporting me and so is most of my family, although my dad no longer has contact with me because of but its not such a bad thing. i dont know how things work in the usa but i live in the uk and things will be just fine for me and the baby im determined to make sure of it. trust me u will regret an abortion and will be so proud of urself even being a young single mum! xxjennim1991
Participantok so the father hates me but wants to be involved! im a disapointment to mine and his family! i want my baby but i feel so lonely and am beginning to doubt myself! my close friends i told r rele supportive and said i will be a brill mum but i feel so low…please some1 help!
Participantthanks for the advice. i have told my mum now she was ok at first but now is being a completetly horrible person to me. the father has changed his mind and wants to be involved when he can due to his job and the distance.
jen xjennim1991
Participantim 18, i havent yet had the courage to tell my mum but i am going to today! the father has now told me he wants nothiing to do with me or our baby so i am going to have to go through the RAF and CSA to get money off him as hes refusing to give me anything, he has told me not to bother giving him any updates on the baby & just wants to know when it is born, but is refusing also to sign the birth certificate. He obviously isn’t gonna make this easy for me but im determiined to do it on my own now, i already know i have the support of my friends and hoppe i have the support of my family.
enya, take a test it will ease your mind and if u r pregnant i hope u keep the baby as u will regret an abortion.
jenni xjennim1991
Participanti fond out yesterday i am pregnant, i dont know how far gone i am although im estimating about a month, i had worked my menstural cycle out wrong so i had already missed a period whilst writing on here, im determined to keep the baby although the father has left me & i am facing the prospect of being a single parent despite what he had said before. this isnt fazing me and i refused to get stressed about it. all i have to do now is tell my mum tonight which could be a little difficult but im hoping she will be ok then im going to the doctors tuesday! thanku every1 x
Participanti do know all this, we have both been tested for sti’s and are clean, if we had a baby it wouldnt be the worst thing in the world & are in a financial situation where we can afford it. telling both parents wouldn’t phase me its my life. im very mature for my age.
Participanti have also started to get more cramping, feeling sick & dizzy spells…
Participanthi, i have been with my boyfriend for a while who’s in the RAF in the UK. as of yet we dont live together & i don’t get to move around with him, but if he ever pops the question i will stand by his side. bing with some1 in the military can be challenging but tottally worthwhile, if he ever goes overseas thats really hard to cope with but missing eacother only makes you closer when they get back. hope this helps. x
Participantthanku for your advice, in your opinions is it more likely that i sound pregnant or just like im going to come on my period? i have never experienced these syptoms before coming on a period.