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  • in reply to: some help on the pill & being pregers please :| #24753

    okay, so I am now 3 days late for my real period & have really bad pains in my lower back buh just on my left side, feel bloated, headaches, & just achey all over really, feel sick on and off, I feel like I just wanna cry all the time & although I am going through some rough patches at the moment, I just wanna cry for no reason like :/ does this sound like I’m pregnant, from what happened before an all? I’m really scared & feel so alone & upset on what to do, advice please? x.

    in reply to: some help on the pill & being pregers please :| #24670

    Thankyou for your response 🙂 right, well my “period” lasted for about 3 days when normally it would last about 6 days. It was just a few pinky red strings in my discharge after sex at first, buh then the next day I had dark brown discharge then later on in the evening dark brown bits of blood aswell. The next day there was nothing there, then the day after there was bright red or pinky not really like blood as it was slightly watery :/ then 3 days later on the 4th day I started having pinky beigey spotting for a couple of hours then it stopped. Buh like I only missed wun pill n that was on the 7th day n then about 5 days ta a week later this started happening, n I read that missing wun pill won’t really do anythink buh it’s if you miss more than wun n at this point I had only missed wun n it was about a week after starting the pill so I wouldn’t really expect break through bleeding that quickly, that’s why I’m suspecting implantation bleeding, I only missed more than wun pill when I started spotting n having this watery period then I stopped taking them incase I am pregnant as I didn’t wanna harm the baby in any way? I wouldn’t consider abortion anyway no matter what anyone thinks about me or says as I’d never beable to forgive myself n ino it’s gonna be hard cos me n my rents keep having arguments n my dad is gonna chuck me out today so that meeks staying with my boyfriend. I’m just so upset n feel so alone right now. I don’t wanna say ote to my boyfriend bout this cos I’m afraid that he’ll leave me n he really is all that I have. :'(

    in reply to: some help on the pill & being pregers please :| #24641

    okay, so things have been abit weird just lately. as ya’know my bf comed in me on the 5th day of starting the pill, twice on the 7th day & then once on the 11th day. ive been told that it takes 14 days to actually start working properly, buh only if you take it correctly otherwise it will take longer to work. i haven’t been taking it at the same time every day & then i missed a few pills aswell before the 14 day mark. buh my mum said ta me today that the pill starts working a day after taking it, buh i don’t believe that it would work this quickly the first time you start taking it? i’m supposed to come on my period on the 7th april, buh i came on a littul more than 2 weeks early. at first it was just a littul bit of blood after sex buh then no actual period, then there was streaks of light red blood in my discharge, then like a day or two after he comed in me on the 11th day when i wiped there was blood there. no bleeding for about a day then i noticed i was bleeding lightly & it was dark browny colour, buh it has now gone a very bright red & is more than spotting buh not like my normal period. i don’t understand what is happening, is this a sign that i’m pregnant or is it a side effect of the pill? should i wait till my ”real period” is missed then take a test? please someone help me, i really need advice quick. my dad recons it might be implatation bleeding, buh it is more than spotting? i feel abit sluggish lately & getting headaches aswell as the feelings before in my last posts.

    in reply to: some help on the pill & being pregers please :| #24522

    thanks for the advice:) no this was my first time of starting the pill n i was unshure what i was doing as you can probs tell. i have now read about it tho. myangelsinheaven, i took the pill. i wasnt shure if i should carry on taking it even tho there is a very strong possibility that i could be pregnant if my boyfriend comed in me 3 times after less than a week of starting it?:s buh if i am not pregant then could i start it back straight away once i have found out im not? if i am pregnant tho i duno what im going to do. how soon should i wait before taking the test? do i have to wait till my next period or will it be too soon to tell if i took it now? should i wait 2 weeks from the saturday that we did it? 🙁

    in reply to: please help me .. x #24123

    – thankyou for comenting.
    rightt, well its naww the 12th day of my missed period buhh i came on today buh it was just a likle bit. last month i was also 12 days late & just a likle bit was there, buh it is more than spotting. i spoke to my mum aboutt it & she goes that if i havee came on then its unlikely that im pregnant. buh why else would my boobs be bigger & havee white spots inside them, the past 2 months i have been nearlly 2 weeks late? “/ my legs ache & my body & i feel tied alot & wee all the time. my mum said that i should start the pill today buh i dont think i should bcoz i still duno if im pregnant or nawtt. is there a chance that i can bleed a little & still be pregnant bcoz every woman is different? i really duno if i should take the test or just forget it naww, buhh if i forget it & i was pregnant would the pill harm my baby? “/ help please, i duno what to do!

    in reply to: please help me .. x #24097

    thanks for comenting backk again chiic. okay, so I told my bf face to face that I was scared bcuz I am naww 10 days late. buhh he didn’t say hardly anythink buhh “it’ll be alrightt sweetie” then the convo died n we didn’t say any more of it. I really need to talk to him aboutt it buhh I duno where to start! my mum knows I’ve missed my period n she goes to me last nitee “yourr boobs look big” n I’ve noticed that they seem to be gettin bigger. at first I thort my missed period mitee be due to stress bcuz I’ve gone thru a roughh patch lately, buhh naww bcuz everywun else is noticing my boobs ino I’m nawtt imaginin these symptoms. my boobs feel hard n yesterday wen I looked at um I noticed that if I move the inside of the nipple I can see white hard spots that rub away like bits of soft skin. I’ve been gettin sharp pains, abit likee period pains just above my hips n across abit onto my tummy n need to wee alot. I also think I’ve got a more rounder tummy n have put on weight, buhh I dno ow soon you can start to show or if I’m just imaging it! my lower backk also aches n my legs. I haven’t took a test, please help I’m scared n havee so many emotions goin thru me. I really can’t have an abortion n the idea of a baby is scary buhh also I would be kinda happy buhh I duno, is it so rong to feel like this!

    in reply to: please help me .. x #24030

    thankyou so much for replying backk to me, i really do need some help & advice rightt naww. i’ve missed my period by 6 days naww. i told my bf that i was late the other day through text buhh he didnt say anything & answered everythink in the text buhh about me being late. ino he’s probably worried too buhh i dont know how to talk to him about it face to face & wahh to do naww. i need to get a test buhh im scared about getting wun. i worked out from the calander that i could be 7 weeks gone by naww if i am! please help, im scared & have no-one to talk to.

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