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Participanthey well if u just missed ur period yesterday then it would be way to early for a home pregnancy test could tell..
i say give it a week and then test again [if you dont get your period]
and those are all pretty much syptoms of early pregnancy.
Not all womens breast hurt right away so if thats not happening it might just come later. But usually if you stress out about this your period is not gonna come. So i would just relax and see how the week goes.hope this helps a little 😉
ParticipantWell if i were you i’d first take a HPT to see what it says. And to relax about it if your constantly thinking that you could be or are pregnant your body is gonna follow your mind. and act out all the symptoms.
My best advice i think is to talk with your doctor or take a test.Hope that helps a bit 😉
Participantsometimes when ur on the pill. u get symptoms of pregnancy. just cuz bc pills are weird like that lol.
But just wait a couple days and take another test or go to the doctor and have them test you.
i was about 6 days late and i jsut took a test and it was positive for me being pregnant.
So maybe if u wait a little longer the test will be clearer.
Also if your stressing about this, your body might just start acting like you are because ur thinking about the chance of you being preg.
I hope this helps a little;)hawiian_chick17
Participantthanks for all of yall’s advice =]
and maybe my body is actin like it cuz im thinkin about it so much. but for the past week i’ve been rlly bloated. and i rlly dont feel. good. im getting really tired, but i cant sleep.i dont kno wats goin on.:unsure:
Participantom my goodness girl that is so horrible your mom and your grandmother shouldn’t treat you like that! I’m so sorry their not supporting you with your pregnancy but maybe its just taking them a while to be use to the fact that you are pregnant and that you will need their support. I’m sure they will lighten up and I’m sure that this is just all too big of a shock for them but by the time you have your baby they will have grown use to it. And with the whole thanksgiving thing where you spent it at the hospital that was really nice of you. i think their just thinking about themselves at this point, but im sure they think you did a good thing i believe that their just not able to admit that you actually made the right decision.
good luck in the future tho
i’ll pray for you= ]
love, hannah -