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Participantits good that you say your gonna stay off the coke but you need to mean it. ive never done drugs. ever. ive never drank anything remotly alcoholic or smoked any cigarettes. im not a pansy, i was alwyas working 3 jobs there was no time for that nonesense. my boyfriend was a crack addict for 7 years. he tried for that whole last year to stop. you cant do it alone and you cant do it if its only halfhearted
Participanti dont think you have completely made up your mind. or else you wouldnt have written in here. you must have known we would all try to talk you out of it. its really scary, i know. im 20 and my daughter just turned 3 months yesterday. i never considered abortion…for no reason it just never occured to me. i love her sweet little self so much. shes just starting to chuckle. and loves to cuddle.
so far, it hasnt been that bad. i had to ask for help which im not good at doing but i needed it and now i know its not as hard as everyone says. its hard, but the smiles and the sighs and the sweet little chubby hands that hold onto my shirt when shes going to sleep make up for anything bad.
also, i have two brothers who are adopted. after me my mom had secondary infertility. we all love those two and i remember the first time i realized they were adopted. (i was 9 and 12 when they came over to america from korea). they were at least 5 and 8 before it occured to anyone in our family that they were adopted. i know that sounds dumb but we dont view them as sdopted children, theyre just there.
my point is whether you keep your baby or giving her (him) up for adoption, that baby will know love. and while its not everything, its more than lots of money.
Participantwhat every one else said! o yeah, and if she gets fiercly emotional and goes on a rampage, know that its probably not directed at you shes just frustrated and your her main sorce of support so its all gonna come out on you…wait til she calms down if your angry bout that cuz it wont help anything
Participanti took a test and it came out negative but i cant shake the feeling thats somethings not what it should be…as for breastfeeding, we tried that for about 3 days and by mutual agreement, me and my daughter that is, went to bottles. i dunno, i just dont want to play anymore
Participanto dear…is he married? you didnt mention but i was just curious…nobody can make you do things you dont want to…well they can but in matters pertaining to your baby its all you. if anyone says anything bout that age difference whip out michael douglas and cathrine zeta jones…iwas once with a guy 13 yrs older than me and that was my excuse to everyone (hes not my daughters dad) on top of that if your parents are A-noy-d like they have evry right to be, tell them right now more than anything you need their help and could they have gotten an abortion with you? a parents love is an amazing thing, is you can use it right youll see for yourself in a few months…good luck
Participanto thats awful!!!!! not that youre pregnant that your due in june! thats soooooo far away! i was the worst! i was due this past september 30th. around march i started asking if it was september yet! and then she didnt come til october 4th!!! brat! 😛 but congrats thats so exciting. i kinda miss it already but im not doing this again for at least five years!