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  • in reply to: Abuse, self harm, no support, all alone #28970

    Hey Samantha! Glad you found StandUpGirl. You have been through quite a lot in the last 2 years. I can imagine why you feel alone and lost in all that is going on. Finding out you are unexpectedly pregnant can be difficult at first for anyone, but add that to your other struggles and it can be very overwhelming.

    Know that though you feel stuck, you are not alone in your situation. There is so much support available to you. Sometimes the people closest to us have a hard time supporting us when they feel unprepared. That can hurt a lot, but that is a major reason why support from the community has been made available to girls just like you!

    You took a huge step in reaching out to us, so I hope you take the next step and reach out to someone at a Pregnancy Center. The women at these centers aren’t just concerned with pregnancies; they care about you and helping you become the healthiest mom you can be. You can talk with them about how best to tell your parents and other people in your life, learn about relationships and how to make healthy choices that protect your heart and body, and many other things. All of their services are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL. Even if you feel nervous, you have the courage to reach out!

    The best way to find a center in your area is to go to this website:
    – Type in your zip code/city
    – The centers nearest you will show up
    Most often, you can make an appointment the same day you call. So when you find one, make the call as soon as you can. And if you have any difficulty in finding one in your area, just let us know and we’ll help you out.

    Continue to attend therapy to gain strength in how to manage your depression, eating disorders and self harm– the healthier and happier you are, the healthier and happy your baby will be!

    I hope for the best for you. StandUpGirl is a great network of support online for you too – there are many girls who have gone through what you are going through on here. So check out the forums, blogs, letters, etc. There are also so many great articles you can read too!

    Good luck, Samantha.


    in reply to: Scared and Confused. #28925

    Hey! I imagine this feeling is quite scary. No matter what method is used to prevent pregnancy, someone may have another plan for us. Your symptoms do fit those of women who are pregnant. You already display an ability to trust yourself and your body by expressing that you feel different and are worried. So as Meg suggested, definitely find your local pregnancy center through optionline.org and they’ll help you with the first step of taking a free pregnancy test. Then I’m sure there are plenty of people there that will offer you support by talking with you about what you are experiencing and what steps you can take, depending on the outcome of the test.

    Good luck and please come back if you need anything. And to let us know how you are doing!


    in reply to: 3 negative pee test….. #28924

    Congrats as well! I agree with Meg…all women are different and thus we all test differently. Trust yourself and your body. Urine tests are not definitive, so for peace of mind and for your health, I think a blood test is definitely the way to go. You have the right to demand that for yourself. Good luck and hope all goes well! Please let us know what you find out. 🙂


    in reply to: Questions. #28915


    Sounds like you’re on the right track. Those symptoms are the type one may feel when pregnant, but they can mean other things too. You can always take an at home pregnancy test or check out optionline.org and you can find a center that will offer free tests and plenty of helpful people to talk with. But keeping that appt. with your OBGYN is the best thing you could do. So good luck and keep us updated!



    in reply to: 21, pregnant….what do i do now? #28910

    Hey Myttens…

    When I read your post I was struck with so much positive in you story.
    – You are with a ‘respectable man’ who stated he has no intention on being ‘like his deadbeat father.;

    And the biggest psotive that I saw was that you ‘already love’ you’re little baby. Not many young people in your situation can admit that. Your honesty is refreshing

    I know there are so many answered questions you must have right now. And none of them will be easily fixed. But I would encourage to take the first step and go to a pregnancy center – one in your area can be found at http://www.optionline.org. It has a number of resources for someone in your situation, it can help learning how to apply for certain government services for help with food, housing, etc. Your boyfriend is supportive now – things may change as things progress, but I’m still a believer in men who can take responsibility for their actions. You deserve support and help and we absolutely are here to help you at all times.

    PS, If you any have another questions, let any of us know. There are so much beautiful pictures of how wonderful your little angel is. 🙂 Will be praying for you very very very often 😉

    in reply to: total scared i mite be pregnant but not sure #28895

    Hey there!

    I know so many women know exactly how you are feeling – even being fearful to take a test. It’s understandable that you would want to just put it off and hope it’s another possibility. I remember putting off taking a test for almost 3 weeks, even though I knew I was pregnant. I’m glad you found this site though – we’ll be here to support you no matter the outcome.

    The symptoms you mentioned could be related to a pregnancy, but they could also be related to a number of other things as well. At times, after having unprotected sex and then having your cycle be late…this can lead to symptoms of anxiety, which can mimic those of pregnancy. But the cause of what you’re feeling will remain unknown until you find out for sure. It’s scary not knowing; it’s scary buying the test, taking it, waiting…all of it can be scary. But in the end, you have to know for your sake and for the sake of the baby, if it is positive.

    http://www.optionline.org is a great website you can go to find a pregnancy center in your area and you can also just call them to ask anything that you’re feeling concerned about. Any of the centers in your area will offer free tests and someone you can talk to.

    Please let us know how you are doing and if there is anything else we can help you with! We’ll be thinking of you!


    in reply to: Lost friends because of the choice you made? #28893

    Hey Mamajama-

    I just read your post and was wondering how you have been doing? I feel sad for your losses – especially for losing the support of someone who had the title of ‘best friend.’ That means something to us women. You did not deserve to lose a friendship b/c of the decision you and the father made. You deserved support and love after the abortion – whether your friend agreed with your decision or not. Genuine friendships aren’t based on liking or agreeing with how the other person lives his or her life.

    I can’t imagine what things are like for you at this point. Friends keep us going in a way others can’t at times. My hope is that you have been able to tell at least 1 other person what you’ve been through and are going through. You deserve to be cared about, listened to, and comforted. I pray you are receiving that in some way. And if you need anything, there’s plenty of girls on here that will listen. 🙂

    Blessings and prayers to you!


    in reply to: Getting an abortion.. #28882

    Hey Shub,

    I’ll do my best to keep this short and sweet, but you had a lot of good things to say and there’s a few things I wanted to express with love and respect…and if any of this hits you, I’ll be here…as will all of us. And if doesn’t, know there’s many people thinking of you, whether we know you or not.

    First, I just wanted you to know that you don’t have to apologize to us for anything – there are so many girls who are thinking and feeling about and/or make the decision to abort. I personally have no interest in condemning or judging you. All of us have done things that others would deem ‘terrible’ or ‘unforgivable.’ All of us. So know the only way you’re ‘being looked at’ on here is with compassion, understanding, and respect.

    Your dreams matter. School matters, traveling and seeing this beautiful world matters. Those things don’t hold any less importance b/c of the situation you’re in. I personally don’t think you’re a bad person for still wanting all that. You’re young – and when you’re young, our dreams are everything. And just like our relationships, tastes in music, values, etc change, our dreams can too. And that’s whats so amazing about dreams – even if we have to take a pit stop, they’re not going anywhere. They’re still right there with us.

    Not knowing you – I don’t want to have any preconceived ideas about you, but I noticed you mentioned a few times that you care very much about how you are seen by others. Whether it’s others finding out you’re pregnant or judging you if you decide to have an abortion. I’m a woman…I care. Anyone that doesn’t admit to worrying at some point in their lives about what others think about them, probably aren’t so trustworthy. But what I have personally found to be the most life altering judgement – is what I think of myself. What I see in the mirror – whether I like myself one day, or despise myself the other – that is far more deeper a pain or triumph to endure than worrying about what others THINK they see in you.

    You may find a woman who will tell you abortion ‘is no big thing.’ And you will absolutely find that in the clinics that perform them. And you will find many women on here who will say the opposite. That abortion was life altering in a way that words could never suffice. And you’ll find women who had their children and think back to the moment like you are in now – and could not imagine their life without their little one. You will find people on both sides and that’s partly why you’re here and feeling the way you are. How can you know who to trust when it seems like ‘both sides’ have their agendas? I can understand that. I encourage you to take your time to think and FEEL about this. Our hearts can mislead us, but you won’t find too many women in this world that feel their heart misled them when they hold a child they created. Seek the support you said you wanted. There are many people on here and Meg gave you some great links.

    So, I’ll just end with this, because my life was forever changed by someone who was in such a similar situation to the one you are in.
    I met my most dearest and loved friend through a mutual friend in college – first semester of her sophomore year. She became pregnant and had many dreams, hopes, and enormous talent that could take her so far. She also didn’t want to raise a child with the father, nor did she feel financially equipped to care for her little girl. And she had absolutely no family support. She was afraid to meet me in person, so we spoke on the internet the day before her abortion was scheduled…we talked, I prayed, and I hoped I had made some type of impact. But ultimately, she would either go to the appt. or not. And I heard through our mutual friend that she had gone to the appt. So, I thought that’d be it, and I would just continue to pray for her and hope she was ok.

    A few days later, even after knowing I was one of those ‘pro-life freaks,’ as I was lovingly called in school, 🙂 she contacted me out of the blue. And we met in person…and she sat across from me – someone she had met for the first time – crying, and saying that even while laying on the table listening to what the doctor was doing, she was regretting every moment of it in the deepest way. She was desperate to be able to say that and not feel judged. And before her abortion, I did what so many of us are told to do – give out pamphlets, websites, ect. But when we met, she told me she couldn’t look at them. She opened one about fetal development, saw a picture of her child at the age she was at the time, closed it, put it back in the envelope I had mailed her and put in her drawer. And didn’t open it again for a very long time.

    She still has that envelope. And she said she wishes everyday since, that she would have just looked and accepted that information in her heart. 10 years later, and after some of the deepest pain I’ve seen someone go through, she’s the most remarkable person I’ve ever known. We talk about those times when she needs to, and every year on March 19, we remember Elisabeth Rose (the name she chose for her little angel).

    Everyone has their story – and your story matters. What yours will be regarding this decision is up to you. Just make it one that 10 years down the road, when all of the fear and confusion has passed of this moment, it’s a story you’ll be proud to share. In 10 years, you could either be braiding your daughters hair and talking about boys (if she’s a girl of course), or you could be remembering the day of that appointment.

    If you have any questions about ANYTHING, whatever it is, please don’t be afraid to ask. I’m willing to talk with you about anything. Whatever happens, you’ll just want to know you had every bit of information you could have had. I know that for sure, Shub.

    Blessings to you!


    in reply to: PLEASE HELP, I NEED ADVICE! :( #28877

    Hey Miss ArizonaSunset!

    There are not many things that could be more overwhelming than being faced with a pregnancy with a ‘father’ who has turned against you. Especially when you’re working so hard as a student. In times like these we are so desperate for stability – someone who will do and say what they mean and not change their mind b/c they’re scared or lack the courage it takes to be a responsible adult.

    Unfortunately, fear causes many young men to try and solve the ‘problem’ in the ‘quickest and easiest’ way possible, and that ends up being abortion. But when it comes to abortion, what you could experience are things that no man ever could…that is why it seems like such a simple solution to them.

    Sometimes babies come when we feel ready (which, honestly, even when you’re married and want a child, it’s hard to FEEL ready) and other times, they come when we least expect it.

    I can’t begin to imagine how alone you feel – and the one person you desire the most support from has betrayed you. But as I imagine you have seen from this site, you are NOT alone. Physically there may not be a lot of people in your life that will offer the support you deserve and need, but knowing that so many other young girls can relate to exactly what you’re feeling right now can be life-saving.

    And one last thing – it’s not uncommon for men like your ex to threaten you with custody issues and say you’re a bad person for bringing a child into a ‘broken home.’ But broken homes don’t mean they are homes without love. You came on this site, possibly b/c you’re heart wants to do what is right, even if you’re unsure of what that is. And there are SO many other girls on here that have been where you are.

    You are important and you deserve support. The main thing I hope to get across is to challenge yourself to never make a choice based on fear. Too many people end up hurting the rest of their lives b/c of that.

    There are organizations all over the country/world that can help you with this – even just to talk. You can possibly start with contacting http://optionline.org and enter your zip code and go from there. And if you want to talk about anything else, we’re always available on her as well.

    Blessings to you. And know that often times, we don’t know our own strength until we have no other choice but to be the courageous women we are. 🙂


    in reply to: Now what? #28866

    Hey MotherofTwo! Just checking in to see how you are doing? I know it’s been a few weeks, but wanted to see where you are with things. If you’re still trying to figure things out, we’re here for you, and if you have already made a decision-whatever it is, we’re here for you as well! I imagine things haven’t been easy these past few weeks – I know it’s scary being faced with another pregnancy, and add to that being fearful of disappointing your family – I’m sure it’s been very hard. Update us if you can. Blessings to you!

    in reply to: Need some Advice #28865


    Just checking in to see how you are doing? 16 and pregnant is tough, but you’ve made quite a courageous choice!

    Even mother that are older – in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s – they still have questions and feel so unsure about motherhood. So if you still have any other questions about anything, just shoot us a message and we’ll be happy to ‘talk’ with you!


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