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ParticipantIf I was pregnant I am no longer. I think I might have expericence an miscarriage. There was alot of unusal materials that I passed in saturday, stuff other than blood clots (sorry for so much detail but I dont know what to think) there were alot of blood clots and there was this other thing that was about 2 inches long and 1/2 wide whiteish/grayish in color. I was in so much pain saturday I took med. each max. every 4 hours and nothing worked ( i was at work so there wasnt anything else I could do) I went though 3 tampons within 2 1/2 hour ( i know you arent suspose to use them if you have a miscarriage , but I didnt/dont know if thats what it was, but that was all I had) I have been hurting (much more than my usual cramps around my period) I was almost it tears about to the point of fainting on saturday, have been hurting (but not so much ) off and on since then. I didnt go to the DR. was going to go yesterday if I hadnt started, but I did so didnt get to go. Anyone know what I experienced..or if it was just a normal period? I have no clue what to think. Please help anyone?
ParticipantThis is kinda gross and all.
I was going to buy another test tomorrow (if I didnt start yet) BUT i think that I might have miscarried because I passed alot of big, semi hard/stretchy dark materials( that not all of it was blood clots) and was in ALOT of pain. But I am not sure, because I never went to the dr. was going to make an appointment monday. Any way of knowing, or how do you know if you have went through one?
Like I was telling you earlier this week or whichever about friday how I kind of spotted. Well I got the nerve up to tell my boyfriend that same day (before the blood came) that I was over 2 weeks late for my period and that it wasnt normal, he didnt really say much. And then when I told him nevermind about it because I had thought that I started. Well I kept complaning thoughout the few days after that about my stomach hurting and not feeling well, and then I told him that I never did start my period that it was a false alarm for now. He told me to go to the clinic to get a test done and all that. And then I asked him if her would go buy a HPT for me, he kind of acted weird about it…I’m just gonna have to go myself.
I havent talked to my parents about it ( cause I dont even know if I am or not) But when I do go buy a test and then go get it confirmed they will be one of the firsts to know! I don’t know how they would act about it, but its not like they could say or do much, I’ll be 21 if they really wanted to be mean and try to kick me out or something my boyfriend and I would just find an apartment no problem with that I take care and buy everything for myself as it is. But that isnt how i want it to go ( if i am) I just hope that everyone would be suportive.
I am sorry to hear that you dad isnt very happy about you being pregnant. I am sure he will come around, it seems like when I hear about young girls having babys how they all say at first their parents were so upset about it then when the baby is born they come around and are just as excited.
And its good to hear that you and the daddy are together dont/didnt talk to the father even when they were pregnant. Its good you have one of the suportive ones!
I dont know how it would be if I were your age lol At 17 I wasnt thinking about having a baby I was more worried about passing my classes and all that for graduation, hanging with my friend until whatever time I wanted to come home, or spending my money I earned for Mcdonalds to buy WHATEVER I wanted.
I look up to the girls that chose to be mommies at such a young age, some doing in all on their own with hardly any support, and some that have their families. SO I wish the best to you and Chris with rasing your child!The symptoms I have been having like before
I feel sick ,like how when you think your going to puke cause your mouth starts watering but never puke, thats atleast know when or if Im going to get sick, nauseated like I ate something that didnt agree with me. I havent had any stomac cramps in maybe the last few days, OH and my skin has been driving me crazy I am itchy ALL THE TIME ( like my stomac and bb) its like it never stops!I’m not having any weird cravings or anything I mean I could really tell if I was cause I am really picky at what I eat. I hardly like anything.
Yeah, I know about when you temp high you ovulate.Well I temped myself several times today my temp is running anywhere from 99.0-99.2 the highest of 99.3!
Well, I’ll keep you posted
Post edited by: SweetTea, at: 2006/06/28 21:31
I havent taken any medications since about 2 weeks after my last period (which was may 8th) it was only a 2 week supply, so the only thing I have been taking is Vitimans.
And if I am pregnant. I will be keeping it, no doubt about that
I still havent taken an HPT..yetWhat kind of early symptoms did you have?
I havent talked to anyone yet.. NOBODY!
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