Featured Letters

Four Weeks to Figure It Out

Four Weeks to Figure It Out

Dear Becky and Lisa -- I just have to say that I wish something like this would have been around when I needed it. I was fourteen and pregnant! The first time I ever had sex and this is what happened. I didn’t even want to do it but the guy scared me into it. So what...

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Mommy For The First Time

Mommy For The First Time

Dear Becky- My story I would imagine isn't worse than others but to a degree, for me emotionally it was. I had just turned 15 a couple of months before I found out I was pregnant. My mother had taken me to a pregnancy clinic. I had taken a test and 5 minutes later the...

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My First Baby

My First Baby

I am currently 37 weeks pregnant (unplanned pregnancy) with my first baby with my boyfriend, and I have had issues with giving up substances during this pregnancy due to a multitude of factors. I need help with resources, counseling, anything. We live in an isolated...

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Sweet Nightmare Pregnancy Story

Sweet Nightmare Pregnancy Story

Pregnancy is such an sweet nightmare experience. Some people says its beautiful and some don’t; however, the end result is priceless. I cannot say that I enjoyed pregnancy. It was horrible not physically but mentally. I hated life, I was mean and aggressive. I was...

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Hey Dad, I’m Late!

Hey Dad, I’m Late!

Hi Jewel, I was 19 years old when I got pregnant. My mom and sister already got their menstrual period so I was thinking maybe I'm just delayed or something. But then again thoughts came to my mind. We just moved in Canada. Before we left the Philippines I had sex...

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The Ultimate Sacrifice

The Ultimate Sacrifice

A 24-year old mother, Ashley Bridges, made the ultimate sacrifice for her unborn baby when she denied life-saving chemotherapy treatment for bone cancer. Bone cancer accounts for less than 1% of all cancers, and cancer in young adults is extremely rare. In the United...

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Trying To Be Logical

Trying To Be Logical

Hi Becky. I've searched for advice from many sources and no one has answered back. I desperately need some help and I think that you're the right person to talk to about it. I am 4 months pregnant. My boyfriend and I have been together a very long time. But, I'm...

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Without Him We Are Nothing!

Without Him We Are Nothing!

Hello. I just wanted to shared a little bit of my story. I got pregnant when I was 15 years old, and I gave birth to my son when I was 16 years old. Right now I am 24 and I have a 7 year old boy. I'm going to have to say that I guess I always looked for something out...

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