Okay, so 3 months ago, I had my son through a c-section and it seems to be healing okay, but it’s uber itchy!! and annoying. How long does it take for it to completely heal and be nothing but a scar? And is there anything I can put on it for the moment?
I and my boyfriend took every precaution to not get pregnant… But here I sit with my 3-month-old son… I love him to death and wouldn’t give him up for the world, but he definitely wasn’t planned.
And so now my boyfriend and I are being extra cautious to make sure I don’t get pregnant again. But what if it accidentally happens again? Then what? I had a c-section 3 months ago. Would I have to get it aborted?
My boyfriend told me at school that he’s coming over after work. Well, the ‘after work’ time was up and passed, so I texted our friend, asking if he’d heard from him and if he was with him. He said yep, and that his phone had died.
Well, of course with my pregnancy emotions, and Jake kind of lying to me… I exploded on both of them and just kept on going. Until I stopped and thought about what I did, so then I started apologizing and whatnot. Then, he texted me off his friend’s phone, angry at me for saying/thinking what I did. I then was already crying, but hearing that from him upset me more.
I feel like crap now because I was the one pissed at him for lying to me, but now he’s pissed at me. I hate this! )’: So I asked him to come over tomorrow so we can talk about it, because we gotta start acting bigger with a kid coming into the world, and that I wrote him something. (I wrote him a 2-page letter explaining my views on this, and why I did what I did/said, and just hoping he understands a bit more)
I’m scared he’s not going to want to see me anymore ): I’m scared about losing him. Like, idk.. I really don’t know what to say anymore… Tomorrow is also our 10 months… I’ll ttyl. ):
Monday- Doctor’s appointment, then getting glasses.
Update after that.
14 years ago, I had an abortion. I have regretted it since the moment it happened. Since that time, I have married the man I was with at that time, had two children, and lost two others in utero… All the while struggling to come to terms with what I did. I am an orthodox Jewish Woman, although I was not really religious at the time. I read a lot… I read it was OK to have an abortion… It was OK to do what I felt was best for me. We had no money. We had a relationship that neither of us thought would work out. He did not want the baby…
Having the abortion was a huge mistake. It was murder, plain and simple. I paid someone $300.00 to tear apart an innocent baby, tear it apart in what should have been the safest place in the world, tear it apart limb from limb and throw it away. That is the TRUTH of abortion. Plain and simple.
There are many options for dealing with a pregnancy you had not planned on. There are options for dealing with a boyfriend or husband who does not want the baby.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself, I would say.
1) You can do this. You are a woman and you are strong. You have more friends than you realize… Everyone does. You have a family… Some will help.
2) It is murder.. against the bible, against the Torah, against the Noahide laws… It is unforgivable by God in this life and the next.
3) You will regret it forever, period.
4) Don’t do it… Please… don’t do it. God has gotten you this far. He has given you food each day and a roof over your head, right? Your breath every day? Your heart is beating? He will take care of this too… Have faith… have Emuna (pure and complete trust in God)… He WILL take care of you and the baby… He will… period.
Peace and Blessings,
Hi ladies 🙂
So a week ago, I found out that I am pregnant… Just my boyfriend and best friend know… Then my boss found out… I am a professional dancer, so having a baby would spoil my entire career… My boyfriend feels he is not ready. He wants to get married first. He is very old school, so he thinks I should go for an abortion and so does my boss….
I do not want to go for an abortion because, I do not want to regret it… I’m going for a scan on Sat, to see how far I am… and make a decision…
I’m still not sure what to do… I just don’t want to regret and hate myself for the rest of my life…
So, yesterday I went to my first ultrasound! (:
She had me in there for quite a while, measuring all the baby parts and such, and from that she said, I could be 2 more weeks further than we thought! So, I could be as far as 30 weeks already (: Meaning, the baby could be here 2 weeks earlier than my due date the doctors give me (based on my period). I am really hoping I am 30 weeks !!!
The baby was in a weird position yesterday so she wasn’t able to get many pictures, like different pictures. I got about 4 pictures, 3 of them are all profiles of the face, and you can’t exactly tell what the 4th one is… Lol.
I will be posting one of the pictures up later on though!
Ohh, and I did find out what I was having!! IT’S A LITTLE BABY BOY! (: Now, we have to start thinking of some names! (:
Today, I am going to my school to talk to the guidance counselor. She is going to help me out with my schoolwork and such. We will be switching some of my first semester courses with books and paper (science, history, etc..). So that way, a teacher will be able to come to my house up to 3 hours a week up to 6 weeks to help me with my work after the baby comes. I am happy to know that my school is going to work with me.
(I go to my next doctor’s appointment on September 12th, so I will give you guys a better update on the baby then! (: )
I may be young and only in middle school, but I’m ready to have a baby. And I do know how hard it is, but I know I’m ready. But who I’m with has said he doesn’t want kids, but after he met me he wants one. I’m 13 and he’s 15, he’s 2 years older than me, but we love one another and we are ready for this life and we are ready to bring a little miracle into this world.